This page is an alphabetical list of locations currently included in our Where Are We? section. For additional search options, click here for more information about this feature, or start right in with the interactive map.
- 1008 Prospect Ave. NE
- 219 Percival
- 2418 Otis
- 421 Quince
- 7th Avenue tunnel
- Acme Fuel Company
- Adams, John and Elise House
- Adams/Martin House
- Agnew Duplex
- Air show site/Swantown Marina/Tugboat Parthia
- Allen House
- American Legion Hall
- Anderson, Edward House
- Anderson, Karl House
- Anderson, Olof House
- Anderson, Ossian House
- Angelus Hotel building
- Archives Building
- Armory/Site of Washington School
- Artesian Commons/Site of George Barnes Home
- Avalon Office Building
- Avalon Theater Building (Griswold’s – demolished)
- Backlund House
- Bailey House
- Baretich Building/Site of Olympia Cafe
- Barnes Bank and Site of Roxie Moore’s Saloon
- Barnes Building/Site of Tacoma Hall
- Barnes Floral/Site of Bohac Harness
- Barnes-Osterhout House
- Bayview Market/Site of JJ Brenner and HA Long Boatworks
- Beck Fiskal House
- Belsito (Worthington) House-2616 Hillside
- Belsito (Worthington) House-2626 Hillside
- Belsito (Worthington) House-27th Ave
- Belsito (Worthington) House-2716 Hillside
- Benner House
- Bergquist Millwork Building
- Bethel, Clarence Grocery site
- Bettman Block
- Bettman Store first site
- Bettman Store second site
- Bettman-Oppenheimer House
- Bigelow Apartments
- Bigelow-Bailey House
- Bigelow House
- Blankenship, George and Georgiana House
- Boardman Building
- Boardman House
- Boat and Motor Mart Building (demolished)/Site of Pearl City Laundry
- Bolster House
- Boyles House
- Brazel House
- Brenner House – Fourth Ave West
- Brenner, Earl House
- Brenner, J.J. House
- Bridges/Goldberg House
- Bryan House
- Buell House
- Burford House
- Butler Cove/The Firs
- Byrd House
- Campbell House
- Capital National Bank building/Site of Turner Block
- Capital Savings and Loan Building
- Capitol Center Building (Views on Fifth)
- Capitol Lake Restrooms and Bath House
- Capitol Park (or Capital Park) (“1063”) building site (demolished)/Helen Sommers Building
- Capitol Terrace (Capitol Center) Apartments
- Capitol Theater and office annex
- Carlson House
- Carlton/Columbia Hotel site
- Carlyon, Philip H. and Edna House (UPI building) – demolished
- Centennial Park/Daniel Evans Tree/Rossell O’Brien House site
- Century 21 “welcoming pole” (fragments only remaining)
- Chambers, Andsworth/Flo and Doane Brodie House
- Chambers Block/Town well site
- Chambers, Joseph and Marion House
- Chandler House
- Chandler/Brown House
- Chaplin House
- Charlie’s Tavern
- China Clipper (Clipper Club Cafe)/Haskins and Peele/Williston Notions Shops site
- Chinatown
- Christensen House
- Christensen Radio/Avalon Annex
- Christian Science Church/Temple Beth Hatfiloh/site of Rosenthal Home
- Church of the Brethren
- City Hall Building-Plum Street
- Clark House
- Clark, John House
- Clark, Thomas House
- Clemons House
- Cloverfields
- Cloverfields Farm site/third Olympia High School site
- Cobain, Kurt Apartment
- Columbia Building/Site of Columbia Hall
- Columbia Manor Apartments/site of John Gowey house/Site of Tilton House
- Congregational Manse (Anderson House)
- Cook, Dr. Lucie site/Olympia Electric
- Counsil House
- Cowling Building
- Crocker House
- Crocker Rubber building
- Crombie House
- Crow House
- Cunningham House
- Cunningham’s Building/Site of First Methodist-4th Avenue
- Curtiss House
- Dairy Queen building/site of Washington Equal Suffrage Association
- Dalquest-Gallagher House
- Davis’ Brown Derby
- Dawley, L.E. House
- Dawley (120 Union) building and 1007 Washington Building
- Deane Apartments
- Department of Enterprises Services (GA)/First Site of St. Peter Hospital
- Dick Lewis Pontiac Cadillac Dealership (demolished)
- Dohm House
- Dolliver building (former Post office)/Site of Olympia Hotel/George Foster home
- Donald Building
- Donoghue/McCaughan House
- Dufault Building
- Dufault House
- Dunbar House
- Dunbar, John House
- Dunkin and Barnes Stable site
- Eagles Club
- East Capitol Campus/Site of Capital Apartments
- Eastside Barbership site
- Eastside Big Tom/Site of Glidden Homestead
- Egbert-Ingham House
- Elks Building/site of Isaac Ellis home
- Elliott House
- Ellsworth Duplex
- Ellsworth House
- Employment Security Building/Site of A.D. Rogers home
- Eugley House
- Evergreen Plaza/Unitarian Church site
- Faris House
- Farquhar Store-Legislative Building, Lobby, Armory
- First Christian Church
- First Congregational Church site – Capitol Way
- First National Bank of Seattle (Olympia National Bank) Annex
- First United Methodist Church-Legion Way/Henry tree
- Five Firs Point-Blankenship House site (demolished)
- Fleetwood Building
- Fleming House
- Fleming-Longaker House
- Forsberg, Gust and Nanny House
- Foursquare Church/Capital City Studios (burned down 2014)
- Fourth Avenue Bridge
- Fox House
- Free Methodist Church
- French, Judge Arthur House
- Fuller House and store (Central Drug)
- Funk House
- Garfield School
- George House
- Georgia Pacific/Washington Fish and Wildlife Building
- Gibbons House
- Gilbert House
- Giles House
- Glass House
- Glidden Duplex
- Glidden House-523 Central
- Gloria Dei Lutheran first site
- Gloria Dei – second site
- Goddard House
- Goldberg’s Building/site of McKenny Block/Crane’s Cafe/Yenney’s building
- Golden Gavel Motel building
- Goodyear Tire Company Building/First site of United Presbyterian
- Goss House
- Gottfeld’s
- Governor Hotel/Silsby Grocery/St. John’s Episcopal site
- Governor’s Mansion
- Greyhound Depot/Site of Harris house
- Grimm Brothers brickyard site/Le May grocery
- Grugan House
- Gruhlke House
- Guyot House
- Hale Block
- Hale House
- Hamley House
- Hanson, Louise Duplex (White House Press Building) (demolished)
- Hanson, Ole C. House
- Harbst Service Station
- Harbst Tire building/Site of Olympia Fire Co. No. 2
- Harmon House
- Harmony House
- Harris Dry Goods/Grainger Stable site
- Hart-Dawley House
- Hartung House
- Henderson, Harriet House
- Heritage Bank/Site of organization of First Presbyterian/Eads Transfer site
- Heritage Fountain/Site of Little Hollywood, Armory
- Hibberd & Cole Building/Postal Telegraph/Carroll House site
- Highmiller House
- Hinkle House
- Holbrook House
- Hollocraft House
- Hosking House
- Hotel Olympian/Site of Eugley & Musgrove Millinery
- Howard Point
- Howell House
- Hubbard House
- Huesing House/Orchard Park Plat
- Hurley House
- Hursey House
- Insurance Building
- Israel House
- Iverson House
- Jacob Duplex
- Jacaranda (Genoa’s) Restaurant (demolished)
- James House
- Jeffers Building
- Jeffers, Hugh House
- Jeffers, Joseph House
- Jefferson Apartments
- Jewett House
- Johnson Building
- Jones House
- Kaler house
- Kearney House/YWCA
- Kelley Building
- Kelly House
- Kent, Earl and Adele complex
- Kevin House
- Kevin/Cammarano House
- KGY Building
- Kincy Hardware
- Klaumbush House
- Knox Apartments site/Warbass home site
- Kornmesser House
- Kuhns House
- Laberee House
- Lackey Duplex
- Lane House (Seven Gables)
- Lassen House
- La Villa – Meeker Mansion
- Lea House
- Lee, Elizabeth and Ralph House
- Legion Way trees
- Leitgeb Weeping Cherry – removed
- Le May House
- Le May/Hedges House
- Le May/Leonardson House
- Le May Meat Market Building – Capitol Way
- Les Schwab Building (demolished)/site of P.J. O’Brien’s Blacksmith
- Lewis, H.L. House
- Liberty Cafe building/William J. Yeager homesite
- Lilly House
- Lincoln School
- Lo Ma Villa (Muench House)
- Lord Mansion (formerly site of State Capital Museum)
- Lowry House
- Lucas House
- Luepke/Talcott House
- Lybarger House
- Mallery House
- Mallory House
- Manier House
- Mann’s Seeds Building/Rainy Day Records
- Manschreck House
- Marathon Park
- Martin Building/site of Doane’s Oyster House/Harned and Mabie homes
- Martin, James Warehouse
- Martin/Tiffany House
- Masonic Temple site
- Maury House
- McArdle House
- McClain Motors Building/Site of Charley Vietzen home
- McCleary, Henry House (McCleary Mansion)
- McCleary-Robinson House
- McClelland House
- McCoy-Trullinger House
- McCormick House
- McCully House
- McDonald, W.B. House
- McElroy, H.B. Store
- McElroy, Thornton house site
- McIntyre House
- McKenny, Margaret House
- McLaughlin House
- McMurry House
- McNeil House
- Meacham Furniture/Munro Building
- Mead House
- Meadowlark Dairy Building
- Medical Arts Building
- Meeker House
- Meeker/Bean House
- Memorial Clinic building (demolished)
- Merryman House
- Methodist Church – second site at 5th and Adams
- Metropolitan Life Insurance Building
- Meyer-Chitty House
- Meyer-Riddle House
- Mills, George G/Kent House
- Mills and Mills/Sticklin Undertakers building
- Minor House
- Mitchell House
- Moore House
- Moore, Janet House
- Morris House
- Mottman Building
- Mowell House/Site of Central School/GAR Building
- Munson House
- Music Studio
- Mustard House
- National Wood Pipe site
- Neuffer Building/Site of Dr. Waughop residence
- Neuffer House
- Neuffer, Paul and Catherine House
- New Caldonia building
- Newcomb House
- Northern Pacific depot
- O’Leary, Dan House
- O’Leary, John House
- Odd Fellows Hall site/Rexall Drug Store building
- Ogden House
- Old City Hall/Fire Station/”Dead Zone” (Tenderloin District)/Tilley stable site
- Old State Capitol Building
- Old Thurston County Courthouse-Capitol Way/Site of Milroy House/Trolley system
- Old Washington School
- Olympia Avenue Historic District
- Olympia Canning Company/Seamart-Yardbirds site
- Olympia Collegiate Institute site
- Olympia Federal Savings and Loan/Funk-Volland Building site/Elwood Evans home site
- Olympia Hardware/Site of Kay’s Chop Suey Restaurant
- Olympia High School first site and Capitol Campus sunken garden
- Olympia High School site – Capitol Way/Highway and Licensing Building
- Olympia Junk/Capital City Creamery
- Olympia Knitting Mills
- Olympia Lumber and Mercantile site
- Olympia Motors
- Olympia National Bank Building/5th and Capitol
- Olympia News Office building/site of Cafe Intermezzo
- Olympia Oyster Company Building
- Olympia Press building/Burmeister Saloon site
- Olympia Public Library (Carnegie Building)
- Olympia Sand and Gravel
- Olympia Steam Heating Plant
- Olympia Supply
- Olympia Tug and Barge/Delta Smyth Tugs and Barges site
- Olympia Yacht Club
- Olympian Automotive Building/Site of Olympia Opera House/Site of Kaler Market
- Otis House
- Overhulse House
- Pacific Building/Munson Millinery/Book Store
- Pacific House site
- Pacific Tel & Tel site/Thurston First Building
- Paine House
- Parker House
- Parker/Mills House
- Parr House
- Parrott/McIntosh House
- Partlow House
- Patnude House
- Patterson House
- Pattison-Davis House
- Pekin Cafe site
- Penney’s Annex Building
- Percival House
- Percival Landing
- Percival Mansion site
- Peters House
- Phillips House
- Piety Hill
- Pinehurst Cottage
- Plum Street Substation
- Porak/Lee House
- Porter House
- Post, J.H. Store
- Potts House
- Preston, Josephine Corliss House
- Purdue House
- Quist House
- Rabeck Building
- Ralph’s Thriftway
- Ray Theatre/Timberland Bank
- Raymond House
- Red Top Taxi building/Site of Cohen’s Confectionary
- Reder House
- Redpath House
- Reed Building
- Reed Building Annex
- Reinhart, C.S. House
- Revell House
- Rex Building/site of Our House Restaurant
- Robbins House
- Robbins-Mallett House
- Rockway-Leland Building
- Rogers Street Historic District
- Romanousky House
- Ross, Hugh House
- Roys House
- Ruddell House
- Rudkin House
- Safeway Building
- Sand Man Tug
- Sandberg House
- Sanderson House
- Schmidt, Frank T. House
- Schmidt, Frederick W. and Elsa House (Capitol Way)
- Schmidt, Frederick W. House (Orange St)
- Schmidt, Leopold Jr. House
- Schmidt, Robert and Jeannette House
- Schmidt, Trueman and Virginia House
- Schnably/Buckner House
- Sears Building/Site of First Presbyterian Church and Manse- Franklin St.
- Seattle First National Building/site of first brewery
- Second Church of Christ, Scientist
- Security Building/site of Chambers and Swanton meat market/Mann’s Drug Store
- Sekstrom-Paton House
- Selden’s/Site of First School/Thurston County Courthouse-Franklin Street/Daily Olympian
- Seventh Day Adventist Church building/Assembly of God site
- Sherwood Press
- Silsby House
- Simenson Jeweler Building
- Smith, Amanda/Bowman House
- Smith/Brown House
- Spar Restaurant/Site of Oxford Saloon
- Sparks House
- Speckart House
- Spoon Auto Parts building
- Springer and White mill site
- Springer House
- Squaxin Park (formerly Priest Point Park)
- St. John’s Episcopal
- St. John’s Episcopal Church (Second site)/First Baptist Church
- St. Michael Parish – first sites
- St. Peter Hospital – Sherman Street site
- Standard Oil Tank Farm/Olympia Gas Company/Mallory Coal/Rosenthal store
- Stanton House
- Star Laundry Building/Stevens Survey Party Heaquarters
- State Parking Garage/Mark and Ann Conner Hartsuck homesite
- State Theater/Site of Thurston County Courthouse, 4th Avenue/Burmeister saloon and residence
- Steele House
- Stentz House
- Stevens Field
- Stevens Mansion site/World War II memorial
- Stoecker/Gunstone House and Heritage Tree
- Strom House
- Stuart Block/Miller Department Store
- Sunset Life building (Capitol Boulevard)/Site of Carlyon Racetrack and Velodrome
- Sunset Life Insurance Building (first location)
- Sylvester Mansion site
- Sylvester Park
- Talcott Apartments and Commercial Buildings
- Talcott Commercial Building-Columbia Street
- Talcott Jewelers building
- Talcott, George and Addie House
- Tamblin/Meyer House
- Temple Beth Hatfiloh/K records
- Temple of Justice/site of Milo Root and Quincy-Campbell Homes
- Territorial Capitol/Legislative Building
- Thorp Motors Building (north end)/first Masonic meeting place/Washington Hotel
- Thorp Motors building (south end)/Parker and Colter/first Territorial Legislature site/Gold Bar restaurant site
- Thurston County Courthouse complex
- Titus (Smith Troy) House
- Todd House
- Tracey House
- Track House – destroyed by fire March 19, 2023
- Transit-Columbia Bakery building
- Treat House
- Tresner Auto and Anderson Auto buildings
- Troy House
- Turpin home site/Remodeled Penney’s Building
- Union Block site/New City Hall/Safeway Store site
- Union Pacific Depot
- Unitarian Church site
- United Churches of Olympia
- Van Epps building
- Van Etten (Justice Clyde Jeffers) House
- Vance House
- Walker Building
- Ward Building
- Ward, Samuel House
- Ward-Levenhagen House
- Warmoth House
- Warnica and Warnica
- Washington Center/Liberty Theatre site
- Washington Mutual Building/Providence Academy site
- Washington Standard site
- Washington State Employees Credit Union first home
- Washington State Library (Joel Pritchard) Building
- Washington Veneer/Olympia Veneer/Farmer’s Market
- Watershed Park/Site of Pumping Station
- Watkins House
- Weatherbie House
- Weidner Auto Court/Ouellette House site
- Weidner Building/site of Van Epps Store/Nankin Cafe
- Welty House
- West Side Chapel
- Westbrook House – demolished
- Westhillsyde (Allen/Beals House)
- Westminster Presbyterian – 4th Avenue
- Westside Grocery
- White Building
- White, William G. House
- Wickstrom House
- Wight House
- Wildwood building
- Wiman/Jackson House
- Winged Victory
- Winstanley House
- Winters House
- Wisniewski House
- Wohleb, Joseph House
- Wohleb, Robert Cottage
- Woman’s Club
- Woodard House
- Woodard, Carl House
- Woodard, Harvey House
- Woodruff Building (Labor Temple)
- Woodruff Park
- Work, William W. House
- Wright Building
- Wright, Judge D.F. House
- Yantis House
- Yantis, Robert House
- Yeager House
- Yeager, William H Jr. and Ada House
- Yenney House
- YMCA Building
- Young House
- Zabel House
- Zeigler’s Welding/site of Jack Gimblet saloon