Location: 520 4th Ave E
Transportation, Wohleb
Capital Chevrolet, 1942, Jeffers Photograph, Susan Parish Collection, Washington State Archives |
Olympia Motors Building now (2012), photo by Deb Ross |
The Olympia Motors Building is a flamboyant celebration of America’s love affair with the automobile. Built in 1923 and designed by local architect Joseph Wohleb, the ornate Gothic terra cotta reliefs at the roofline create a sort of cathedral to the automotive industry. The building was originally a Ford dealership acquired by Leon Titus (see Titus House); later on it was a Chevrolet dealership, and now houses a popular restaurant at the edge of downtown Olympia. The dealership was located on the 4th Avenue corridor, at the time part of Route 99 that was the main north-south thoroughfare for Washington State and the west coast.
Additional resources: Thurston County inventory
Copyright © 2022 Deborah Ross