Location: 3811 Pifer Rd SE
Local register; Women’s History
Moore House, 1939, Thurston County Assessor, Southwest Regional Archives |
Moore House today (2014), photo by Deb Ross |
John and Olivia Moore built this unusual stucco bungalow in 1927. At the time, the location on Pifer Road was far in the outskirts of Olympia, past the Cloverfield farm. John Moore was a local contractor and designed and built the home. Olivia Moore was an organizer for the waitress and cooks union and held national office in the union during a time when women were just being recognized for their contributions to the union movement. The home is on the local register.
Additional resources:
Dishing It Out: Waitresses and Their Unions in the 20th Century
Copyright © 2022 Deborah Ross