This feature of our website includes separate pages for historic locations and buildings throughout Olympia. Each location has side-by-side photographs, with brief descriptions of the history and importance of the location, followed by links to other photographs and information. New locations are being added every day, so check back often!

We seek your help in adding to this feature! If you would like to research a location or building for this section, please contact us at, and we can either assign you a location, or you can suggest your own.

You can search for locations in several ways:

  • Use the interactive map and click on a location or theme of interest. A popup box will allow you to click to a page describing the location and its history
  • Scroll through the list of locations on our Contents Page
  • A random virtual “stroll”: Start with the Harris Dry Goods Building, then scroll through the pages by following the “Go to the next location” link at the bottom of each page
  • Enter any search term on our search page (this will take you to any place on our website where this term is found, including the “where are we” listings)

Each location is identified by address and may include one or more themes, shown near the top of the page. The interactive map allows you to search for locations that fall under particular themes, so you can develop your own walking tour or list.  Themes to date include:

  • Registered properties or districts: Local, State and National Registered properties and districts
  • Diversity: locations that have significance for our rich ethnic and cultural diversity
  • Transportation
  • Popular Culture
  • Schools
  • Women’s History
  • Wohleb: buildings designed or remodeled by Wohleb brothers
  • Religious Institutions
  • Mid-century Modern: built between 1949 and 1974

Unless noted, all text is written by Deborah Ross, Olympia Historical Society web content master. Thanks to Brian Hovis for interactive maps, to photographers Matthew Kennelly and Benjamin Helle, and others who provided information and assistance as noted on individual pages.