Location: 208 Percival Street NW
Local Register
Sandberg House, 1939, Thurston County Assessor, Washington State Archives |
The Sandberg house was built in 1923 for John O. Sandberg and Ella Marie (Olson) Sandberg.
John Sandberg, born in 1875 in Sweden, immigrated to the United States in 1896. He
married Ella Marie Olson, also an immigrant from Sweden, in 1902. As with several other homeowners in Olympia, John Sandberg was a part owner of the Olympia Veneer cooperative, whose members were primarily Scandinavian. In 1928, John Sandberg’s older daughter, Evelyn, married Olof Anderson, one of the Anderson brothers who owned Tumwater Lumber Mills (see Olof Anderson House)
The Sandberg House is a one and a half story Craftsman Double Front-Gabled Bungalow
which features two front facing gables; one on the porch and the other on the house façade. It was placed on the local heritage register in 2023.
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