Location: 2601 Capitol Way S
Local register; South Capitol Neighborhood National Historic District:
Speckart House, 1939, Thurston County assessor, Southwest Regional Archives |
Speckart House today (2013), photo by Deb Ross |
The large Craftsman-style Speckart House was built about 1910 by Joseph Speckart, who worked at the Olympia Brewery (Joseph’s uncle by marriage was brewery founder Leopold Schmidt). Like other homes in the area owned by Schmidt family members (see, for example, Lo Ma Villa), the home would have had a view over the Deschutes River and the brewery at the bottom of the gully below the house. The home features a large, landscaped front yard, its own schoolroom, and many built-in features. The home is on the local register as well as located in the South Capitol Neighborhood National Historic District.
South Capitol National Historic Neighborhood
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