Welcome to the Olympia Historical Society and Bigelow House Museum

Join us in exploring, preserving and promoting Olympia’s history. We are a non-profit membership-based organization presenting the stories from our past to enrich the present and inform the future of Olympia. The Bigelow House Museum, owned and operated by the Society and Museum, is the oldest residence in Olympia, Washington, and one of the earliest still standing in the Pacific Northwest.

Our Mission:  The Olympia Historical Society and Bigelow House Museum preserves and shares the history and heritage of Olympia and the Bigelow House in a way that recognizes and values the diversity and rich cultures that gave rise to our community, is inclusive of all persons and perspectives, and informs and engages community members and visitors.

Save the Date: Olympia Historical Society & Bigelow House Museum Annual Membership Meeting and Awards Presentation

Be sure to save Saturday, January 25, 2025 on your calendar to attend the Annual Membership Meeting of the Olympia Historical Society & Bigelow House Museum (OHS & BHM). The meeting starts at 1:00 pm at St. John | San Juan Episcopal Church Parish Hall, located at 114 20th Avenue SE (at Capitol Way). The Parish Hall is accessible and parking is available in the church parking lot and neighborhood streets. Refreshments will be served during the intermission.

The annual meeting will begin with a note that in September of 1995, the Bigelow House Museum formally opened to the public. The opening followed a year-long restoration project funded by the generous donations of our supporters and the Washington State Legislature.

We will also hear from the teacher and students of River Ridge High School who were recipients of OHS & BHM’s 2024 Roger Easton History Grant program.

Another highlight of the meeting will be presentations of our annual Gerry L. Alexander Award for Outstanding Achievement in Heritage. This year OHS & BHM will honor seven recipients of the award including our host, the St. John | San Juan Episcopal Church congregation. Their award honors the congregation’s 160 years of service to the community and celebrates the architectural and artistic significance of the church’s historic mid-20th century modern Sanctuary.

Other 2025 award recipients include:

  • The Olympia Trials Legacy Committee for the 40th anniversary celebration last May of the First-Ever U.S. Olympic Women’s Marathon Tria
    Chris and Denise Keegan for their stewardship of the National Register of Historic Places-listed Dr. Alden Hatch Steele House;
  • The centennial of the Olympia Branch of the American Association of University Women;
  • The Olympia Film Society for the centennial of the Capitol Theater;
  • Todd Monohon for historic rehabilitation of the Olympia Press Building;
  • Ralph Munro, Former Washington Secretary of State.

Following the award presentations, the OHS & BHM will conduct its business meeting with election of new board members; reports from the president and treasurer; and recognition of Volunteer of the Year Caitlin Patterson. OHS & BHM members will soon receive in their inbox copies of these reports and the meeting agenda.

OHS & BHM extends our sincere thanks to Rev. Janet Waggoner and St. John | San Juan church members for hosting our annual membership meeting. Please note that all guests are invited to come early to the meeting or stay late to participate in a guided tour of the historic St. John | San Juan church edifice.

Society News

Give Local is Here!

The Olympia Historical Society & Bigelow House Museum is participating in the Community Foundation of Puget Sound’s Give Local 2024…

Read more

Looking Back

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Find out more about the people and places that have shaped our history

Looking Back feature in the Sunday Olympian

We have created interactive maps that will allow you to find out more information about important historic and heritage locations over time.

Resources to help you do your own research