Location: 2932 Maringo Rd SE
mid-Century modern; State Historic Register; Wohleb
Trueman Schmidt House, 1950, Thurston County Assessor, Southwest Regional Archives |
Trueman Schmidt House today (2015), photo by Deborah Ross |
The Trueman and Virginia Schmidt house in the Governor Stevens neighborhood is one of several in Southeast Olympia designed by the Wohleb firm, and also one of several associated with the Schmidt family (see, for example, the Leopold Schmidt Jr. House, Frank T. Schmidt House, the Frederick W. Schmidt House, the Robert and Jeannette Schmidt House, LoMa Villa, and of course the Schmidt Mansion in Tumwater). All of these homes would be an easy distance from the Olympia Brewery, founded by the family. The This home, built in 1950, is an early and distinguished example of mid-Century modern architecture, with rising star G. Stacey Bennett, then with the Wohleb firm, the primary architect. The home has been accepted onto the State Register, and as of spring of 2015 it has also been nominated to the local and national registers, as outstanding local example of mid-Century architecture.
More information:
National Register Nomination form
mid-Century Modern Context Statement, p. 11
Copyright © 2022 Deborah Ross