Location: 3520 Boulevard Rd SE
No vintage photograph of this house has been located; if you have one to share, please contact us. |
Merryman House today (2014), photo by Deb Ross |
The Merryman House was built some time between 1892 and 1903 (sources vary) by Alexander Merryman, who arrived in Thurston County in 1890. It remained in the Merryman family until very recent times. The home was located on a rise, set back from Boulevard Road, which was originally an old trail leading from the Thurston County prairies to the outskirts of Olympia. Merryman built the home out of cedar logged on the property. He cut a trail through his homestead acreage, which later became Morse-Merryman Road. The family operated a blacksmith shop and a dairy on the property as well.
The home was moved slightly to the south in the early 2000s to make way for a housing development, but maintains its original simple pioneer style appearance, including original cedar siding. A signboard at the new location tells the story of the home and the Merryman family.
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