Location: 1202 9th Ave SW
Local register
Carl Woodard House 1957, Thurston County Assessor, Southwest Regional Archives |
Carl Woodard House today, photograph by Deb Ross |
The Carl Woodard House is an early (ca. 1919) and well-preserved example of the Craftsman-style bungalows that are very common elsewhere in Olympia but rarer on the Westside. Carl Woodard was a member of the Woodard family that settled first on Woodard Bay, then moved to West Olympia. The Woodard House belonged to Carl’s uncle A.B. Woodard and later Carl’s brother Lester; his grandfather Harvey lived in the Harvey Woodard home above the Woodard House. Carl worked at the Springer Mill, as a teamster, and a candy store owner. This home is on the local register.
For more information on the Woodard family, see the Residents section of this website.
Copyright © 2022 Deborah Ross