Location: 2405 Old Oregon Trail SW
Local register; South Capitol National Historic Neighborhood
H.L. Lewis House, 1938, Thurston County Assessor, Southwest Regional Archives |
H.L. Lewis House today (2013), photo by Deb Ross |
One of the earlier examples of a Craftsman style bungalow, the H.L. Lewis house was built in 1911 at the far southern end of the South Capitol Neighborhood, and is an excellent example of that style. Harry Lewis was an editor of the Daily Olympian as well as Thurston County auditor. The home is on the local register.
The name of this street, Old Oregon Trail, reflects its original status as one of the last segments of the Oregon Trail after it crossed the Deschutes River at Tumwater and proceeded along the top of the slope leading down to the center of Olympia, where a marker at Sylvester Park notes the terminus of this leg of the trail. The street is now tucked away behind the much more heavily traveled Capitol Boulevard.
South Capitol National Historic Neighborhood
Copyright © 2022 Deborah Ross