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Note: to access images from the Washington State Historical Society (WSHS) collections, enter their catalog numbers in Collections Search box. Items in bold face have been scanned
Jeremiah, territorial librarian, house, C2013.18.76, home was at Martin Building site at 5th and Washington
Robert, WSHS C1970.28.52
Sierra Nevada, nee Cook
Tessie, WSHS C2013.18.82
Thomas M., drowned as a child, WSHS C1970.28.64
Thomas S., see Thomas S. Ball
Annie, nee Frost
Barbara, WSHS C2013.18.57
Thomas M., opened store in Olympia in 1860s, Georgiana p. 244, photo following p. 244; TCP
Elizabeth, Olympia High School 1909 graduate, C1951.8.17
William, settled near Nathan Eatons in 1853, TCP
Joseph, Supreme Court justice, see Mallery House , WSHS C1986.
Ernest, son of Henry, builder, mayor of Olympia, Rogues p. 439 et seq.
Henry, builder, machinist at Springer & White, see Mallory House , Prosser, History of the Puget Sound Country, vol II, p 364
Luella, WSHS C2013.18.81
Beatrice, Olympia High School, WSHS C1986.; C2016.0.99
David, WSHS C1990.25.7
Gertrude, nee Davis, married William
Martha Elizabeth, married Henry McCray, WSHS C1990.25.1
William, OHS student, later prominent businessman, City Commissioner 1932-1934; WSHS C1986.; C1951.8.15; C1951.4.37; see Manier House
Champion Bramwell, son of Sylvester, arrived Olympia 1870 – businessman and county official, Mayor of Olympia 1894-1895; TCP, succeeded his father as territorial librarian; ran a pharmacy at the site of the Security Building; later ran a seed store. photo from TCP. He initiated the Thurston County Pioneers (TCP) project. See Mann’s Seeds building; Rogues p. 146 et seq
Evangeline St. Claire – nee Brewer
Ida, nee Lemon, married Lyman Mann
Lyman, son of Sylvester
Sylvester, circuit riding minister, later territorial librarian (photo from Territorial Librarians page); WSHS C1943.1010.2
Alma, married Fred Stocking, WSHS C1949.1298.3
Fred, Olympia Collegiate Institute student, WSHS C2013.18.57
Addie, WSHS C2013.18.200
Chester, land agent, WSHS C1982.18.30.21
Emma, nee Hood, married Ira Manville
Ira, WSHS C1952.226.27
Israel, Land Agent, C1982.18.30.21
Bert, OHS student, WSHS C1951.8.15
Annie, married Mitchel Harris, WSHS C1951.306.1
Ada, married Dodge, photo from Digital Archives, see also photo of Dodge family here, and photo with brother Harry linked below
Harry, photo from Digital Archives
Mary Jane, nee Proseus
Amanda, married William G. White, see William White House , see WSHS C2013.18.24
Drusilla, mother in law of William G. White, C1945.141.1, C2013.18.163
Nathaniel, father of Amanda, WSHS C2013.18.151
Cora, married Duncan Bigelow, OCI student, C1950.1117.1.31.4
Frederick William (also known as William Mark), arrived from Germany 1888, WSHS C1959.228x.4
Laura Belle, OCI Student, C1950.1117.1.21.1, C1951.303.3.16
Robert, proprietor of Acme Drug Store, see Olympia Tribune Souvenir Issue; WSHS C1943.2x.324
James, proprietor of Our House restaurant, see Olympia Tribune Souvenir Issue; see Our House
Jesse, son of James, first African-American firefighter in Olympia, at Central School; WSHS C1943.2x.137
Edwin, founded Marshville (West Olympia), land office registrar, Rogues, p. 34 et seq, Bancroft, History of Washington, Idaho, and Montana
Halcyon, nee Inman
Emil, Olympia Collegiate Institute student, WSHS C2019.0.44; C2013.18.57
Alfred, private secretary to Hon. Charles Laughton, see Olympia Tribune Souvenir Issue
Ann, nee Yantis, married William
Dewey, son of James, aviator, businessman, see Martin/Tiffany House
Donald, son of James
Edith, WSHS C2016.0.122
James, builder, built Martin Building, Martin Warehouse, and Donald Building
Jesse, WSHS C2013.18.93
Kate, nee Yantis, married Jesse
McCurdy C1961.1185.6
Katherine, daughter of Bertha Eugley (see Eugley), married McCurdy Martin and later Musgrove
Sarah, daughter of William and Ann, m. Koontz, WPA vol 2
Tom, state treasurer, WSHS 2003.176.9
William, early Tumwater settler, WPA vol 2; WSHS C2013.18.93
Charles H., first territorial secretary and acting governor under Isaac Stevens, image from Digital Archives
Coridon Z. (C.Z.), owned Olympia Iron Works; house corner of 8th and Pear; WSHS C1964.
D.P., WSHS C1952.226.35
Frances (Frankie), daughter of C.Z.
Ruth, married Frank Byles, WSHS C1949.1301.26.7
Elizabeth (daughter), WSHS C2013.18.81, lived at Tullis and State, see Workingman’s Hill, page 64
Elizabeth (mother), married to Walter
Hanna, daughter of Walter and Elizabeth, married William Weller, photo of Weller family on page 65 of Workingman’s Hill
Walter, railroad contractor, see Workingman’s Hill, page 64
Mattson or Matson
Ella, WSHS C2013.18.57
Gertrude, OHS student, WSHS C1951.8.15
Margaret, Olympia High School class of 1927, WSHS C2016.0.99
Morton, page in first state legislature, WSHS C2017.0.200.28
Oliver, OHS student, WSHS C1951.8.15
Runy, Olympia High School, WSHS C2016.0.120
Bruce, Olympia High School, WSHS C2016.0.120
Nellie, WSHS C2013.18.82
Lydia, nee Hawk
Charles, manager of Olympia Knitting Mills, State Treasurer, Rogues p. 286; WSHS C2019.0.45
David, early doctor, Rogues p. 12; Washington, West of the Cascades, search for Maynard in link to Google Books online
Lucy, daughter of Charles, married Dr. Redpath
Mary Alice, nee Buchanan
Green, arrived Olympia 1852 served as Indian scout for Governor Stevens, TCP
Elizabeth, married Isaac Hawk, WSHS C1978.52.1, C1978.52.4 (elderly woman in center)
James, very early “Boston” (American) settler, arrived fall 1845 with Simmons/Bush party, farmed Bush Prairie then settled in Nisqually, TCP, WPA vol. 1 ; Rogues p. 9 et seq.
John Wesley, cousin of James
Mary Jane, nee Thomas, married John Wesley before coming to Puget Sound
Pauline, m A.E. McBride, WSHS C1986.
Ruby, Pauline’s sister, see above
Sarah, married David Hartman, photo from Digital Archives
L.D., legislator, see McArdle House ; Rogues p. 260 et seq.
Thomas, horseshoer and city council member, built Olympia Engine No. 2; see Olympia Tribune Souvenir Issue
Fannie, OCI student, WSHS C2013.18.57
Joseph, firefighter, real estate developer, surveyor, see Olympia Tribune Souvenir Issue, see also WSHS C1943.2x.137
Marie, Olympia High School class of 1927, WSHS C2016.0.99
Royal, C1948.18.76
Ada, d of Matilda, m. Bingham, then Naden
Della, nee Johnston, married Ed
Edgar, Spanish-American war veteran, sheriff, WSHS C2013.18.165, C2017.0.42
Irene, daughter of Ed and Della, m. Swift, WSHS 2009.224.3
John, superintendent of water system, superintendent of Olympia Water System, WSHS C1949.18.51, C1949.18.53
Matilda, nee Bennett, mother of Ed
Charles, son of Henry, see McCleary-Robinson House
Henry, lumberman (founder of McCleary, WA), owned McCleary Mansion
Ada, nee Johnson, married Henry McCleary
McClellan (or McLellan or McLelland)
Leonard, son of Sam, WSHS C1949.3.123
Sam, owned blacksmith shop at State & Washington, also Olympia fire chief, WSHS C1943.1003.24, C1943.1003.3, C1949.3.122, C1943.2x.137, C2013.18.149
Benjamin R., high school principal and teacher, see McClelland House ; WSHS C1943.2x.327, C1951.4.37
Harvey, married to Margaret who ran maternity home out of their residence, Workingman’s Hill p. 117
Margaret, nee Gunstone, married Harvey and ran maternity home
Edward and Theda, lived on Bigelow St, engineer, Workingman’s Hill page 84
Cora, married Henry Murphy, worked at Washington Standard, C2013.18.16
Isaac and Nancy Ann, builder, lived on 4th Ave E, McCormick Street named after this family, Workingman’s Hill p 88
Christina, married Hume, WSHS C1976.41.4
Charles, WSHS C1990.25.9
Martha Elizabeth, nee Manier, wife of Henry
McCullough or McCulley
Julia Ann, nee Woolery
Martha, married John Selvidge, storekeeper, WSHS C1977.17.1
Dollie, Providence Academy student, WSHS 2009.224.2
Ella, nee Clark, married McDonald
Walter, real estate developer, see Olympia Tribune Souvenir Issue
Walter, WSHS C1951.4.37
Carrie, nee Williams, married Harry McElroy
Harry, son of Thornton, WSHS C1945.20.11 ; C1950.1301.19.14; 2012.0.275; see H.B. McElroy Store
Hilda, WSHS C1952.226.42
Thornton, published Columbian, Olympia’s first newspaper; Mayor of Olympia 1875; photo from Digital Archives; TCP ; C1945.20.9, see site of McElroy House ; Rogues, p. 13 et seq
Mrs, member of “Busy Bees,” see Women’s History Walking Tour, St. John’s Church; see also WSHS C1956.39.9 (not known if this is Mrs. Thornton or Mrs. Harry)
Sarah, nee Bates, married Thornton McElroy
Margaret, wife of Obadiah, nee Caldwell
Mary – daughter of Obadiah, married William Winlock Miller, Rogues p. 205; donated land for William Winlock Miller High School
Obadiah B., judge early Olympia, Congressional delegate 1873, Georgiana p. 246, photo (at left) following p. 200; Rogues p. 70 et seq., C1952.364.2
Mack, clerk in Harris Store, WSHS C1948.18.12
Eliza Jane married John Miller Murphy WSHS C1964.17.10
Francis (“Grandpa,”) father of Eliza Jane, WSHS C1964.17.19
Harvey, Olympia High School class of 1927, WSHS C2016.0.99
Earl, OHS student, WSHS C1951.8.15
Lou, married Wilson, WSHS C1948.64.72
R.B., see Parrott/McIntosh House
Joseph McIntyre, carpenter, see McIntyre House
Edith, WSHS 1998.113.3
Nellie, married Clarence Seely, WSHS C1948.64.63; account of McIntyre-Seeley Wedding
Cynthia, nee King, wife of Thomas
Frank, WSHS C2013.18.181
Ida, daughter of Thomas, author of work on Priest Point, married Thomas Reed, Jr., WSHS C1950.197.17
Margaret, daughter of Thomas, naturalist, conservationist, see Margaret McKenny House; Looking Back article; Sylvester’s Window 1950 Meet the Neighbors p. 1; see also WSHS C2009.0.5; 2009.224.2; C1986.43.0.236; C2018.0.15
Thomas, Civil War general, WSHS C1970.42.17, C1961.1005.3; Rogues, p. 61 et seq., built McKenny Block
Ward, WSHS C2017.0.141
McKinzie, McInzie, or McKenzie
John, logger, TCP
Laura Etta, nee Elder
Roy, OHS student, WSHS C1951.8.15
Edna, nee Brazel
Joseph, photographer
Edna, OHS 1909 graduate, WSHS 2014.130.1.9
William, legislator, settler in McLane area of Thurston County, C1961.1731.1
Thomas, Mayor 1907
Ike, WSHS C1979.32.10
McLellan – see McClellan
Catherine, m. Mounts, member Nisqually Tribe, C2013.18.168
Jean, staff of legislature, WSHS C2019.18.15; C2013.18.39; C1943.3x.4
Helen (Nellie), nee Parker
William, arrived in 1871 with NPRR, then surveyor general, Rogues p. 100; TCP
McMillen (or McMillan)
Archibald, settled near Chambers Prairie 1853, TCP
Marcus, Archibald’s brother, settled in Chambers Prairie around 1853, TCP; WPA
Dan, musician, Olympia Soda Works owner, Rogues, p. 206; WSHS C1949.3.124; C2016.0.183
Mrs. Dan, WSHS C1949.3.125
Roy, attended Washington School, WSHS C2013.18.81
Charles, Olympia High School, WSHS C2016.0.120
Albert, Washington State governor, Rogues 193 et seq. see Mead House; C2017.0.88
Lillian, married Melvin, OCI student, C1950.1117.1.34.4
Ernest, builder, see LaVilla-Meeker Mansion, Meeker House, Meeker/Bean House
Dora, Olympia High School class of 1927, WSHS C2016.0.99
Mary Jane, married H.C. Parsons, WSHS C1943.11.41
Alexander, early pioneer, see Merryman House
Cassandra, d. of George, Thurston County Superintendent of Schools, married Fred Brown, see Thurston Talks article
George, steamboat captain and pioneer, WSHS C1943.1006.17
Edna, Olympia High School class of 1927, WSHS C2016.0.99
Gus, father of William W, WSHS C2013.18.162
Maude, wife of Gus, nee Webster
William W, WSHS C1980.30x.15.29
Victor, contractor, see Meyer-Riddle House
Ben, WSHS C1980.30x.15.27
Victor, musician, Secretary of State, Lieutenant Governor, historian, musician, Rogues p. 363; occupied Ward House; photograph from Digital Archives
Herbert, President Olympia Collegiate Institute, WSHS C1950.1117.1.11.2
Bertha (married William), WSHS C2016.0.178
Gertrude, Olympia High School class of 1927, WSHS C2016.0.99
Albert, WSHS C2013.18.82
Alice, married Stephen Didier, WSHS C1961.1185.53
Blanche, married Dye, WSHS C1979.32.7
“Doctor” (first name unidentified), C2016.0.183
Frederick JX, Millersylvania donor and prolific poet, WSHS C2013.18.164; finding aid to papers, 1947.68.1; C2017.0.81; 2015.0.301
Ira, logger, Zanaton, WSHS C1972.37.9
Lena, Olympia High School, WSHS C2016.0.120
Mary, nee McFadden, married William Winlock
T.J., co-owned B&M cigar store, WSHS 2010.149.7.1
William Winlock, Businessman arrived 1853, Georgiana p. 250; first Mayor of Olympia, 1872-1873; William Winlock Miller High School (Olympia High School) is named after him, at his wife’s request; Rogues p. 25
Byron, judge, Georgiana p. 369
Bob, WSHS C1961.1185.54
Alice, nee Allen, married Jesse Mills
Anna, married Ed Farquhar, WSHS C2013.18.160
George G, son of George W., Land registrar, teacher in late 1800s, Union Academy graduate, hardware store proprietor; TCP, photo from TCP, Rogues p. 187 et seq, see also WSHS C1950.1117.1.12.3; C1950.1191.16; C2017.0.91; see Mills House, George G.
George N (no relation to George G or W), City Mayor 1929-1931
George W., arrived Olympia 1865, farmer, TCP; photo from TCP; see also Georgiana p 212., photo following p. 212
Helen, nee Gordon
Herbert, OHS 1909 graduate, WSHS 2014.130.1.9
Isabella – nee Fleming, married George
Jesse, son of George W., operated Mills and Mills Funeral Parlor, was Thurston County Sheriff, Mayor 1917-1920 ; Rogues p.176 et seq, see also Parker/Mills House, WSHS C1948.18.13, C1950.1117.1.12.5; C2017.0.92
Minnie, WSHS C2017.0.117
William, arrived Grand Mound 1853, TCP
Mary, nee Armitage, married Robert H.
Robert Bruce, son of Robert H, WSHS C1943.118.4 (photo above of Robert, Val and Sam), C1943.118.3, C2015.0.114, C2015.0.113
Robert Houston – Civil War general, arrived in Olympia late 1860s, Superintendent of Indian Affairs,
Georgiana p. 278, WSHS C1943.118.7, C1943.118.2, C1943.118.5.2, C1943.118.3; see Milroy Home
Sam, son of Robert, WSHS C1943.118.3 (see above photo)
Val, son of Robert, postmaster of Olympia, see Olympia Tribune Souvenir Issue; see also WSHS C1943.118.4, , C1943.118.3 (see photo above), C2015.0.112
Walter, son of Robert, Rogues p. 348 et seq., WSHS C1943.118.4 , C1943.118.3; C2015.0.113, C2018.0.109; 2015.0.300
E.L., deputy county auditor, WSHS C2015.0.109
Mrs. Louis, married A. Farquhar
Agnes, photographer, married Benjamin M. Price, C1951.284.3, C1952.284.6
Bethier (nee Moon), Agnes’s and Ida’s mother, C1952.284.4
Charles, slave of Tilton, sparked international incident, see Tilton House
David, doctor, see Mitchell House , WSHS C1943.1003.31
Mrs. David (possibly Elizabeth, see below) WSHS C1943.1003.32
Dick, Olympia High School, WSHS C2017.0.141
Elizabeth, nee Phillips
Ida, Agnes’s sister, came out West and operated a photography studio as Ida B. Smith (see under Smith)
John R., attorney and judge, see Olympia Tribune Souvenir Issue; Rogues p. 186; see Georgiana p. 370, photo following p. 368
Georgiana, see Blankenship, Georgiana
William H. – Early pioneer, logger, businessman, hotelier, marshal see Governor Hotel ; Rogues p. 32; Georgiana p. 142; TCP, photo from TCP; WSHS C1943.2x.324; C2017.0.90; see Washington West of the Cascades , p. 542; see Bancroft, History of Washington, Idaho, and Montana
James, early pioneer family, C1972.37.10
Lura, sister of James, married John Clark before setting out with family and husband, arrived 1853, TCP; WSHS C2013.18.68
Lura, daughter of James, married John Lybarger
Mary, nee Littlejohn
Walter, logger, C1972.37.9
Hiram F., arrived Olympia 1860, farmer, TCP , C1980.30x.15.12
Mary Ann, wife of William, nee Frost
William G, arrived in late 1840s, Donation Claim, farmer, TCP, WSHS C1943.1008.2
Mattie, WSHS C1980.30x.15.15
Thomas, bricklayer, see Grimm Brickyard
W.W., principal of Washington School, WSHS C2013.18.82
Alexander, brother of Charles M., WSHS C1950.1301.19.1, C1949.1301.26.12
Andrew W, arrived Olympia 1852, first postmaster, first teacher, Rogues p. 11; TCP, Bancroft, History of Washington, Oregon, and Washington
Anna, nee Rabbeson, married Waldo Moore
Charles M., musician, businessman, owner of City Market, photographer (search for his name as creator in Washington State Historical Society on-line catalog); see Olympia Tribune Souvenir Issue; see also WSHS C2018.0.78; C1952.226.41, C1949.1301.16.1, C1949.1301.33.24, C1950.1301.19.14, C1950.1301.19.16; C1949.1301.26.13, C1949.1301.26.12; C2018.0.83, C2018.0.82, C2018.0.81, C2018.0.80
Emily, nee York, wife of Andrew Moore
Fanny, nee Ostrander, wife of Charles M.
Freeman, brother of Charles M., C1950.1301.13.27
Janet, daughter of Philip, charter member of Olympia Woman’s Club; see WPA vol. 3 ; see Sylvester’s Window 1899 Meet the Neighbors p. 5; Janet Moore House; photo from Olympia Women’s History Walking Tour
Lindley, son of Philip, lived with sister Janet, WSHS C2018.0.73
Maria, nee Olney, mother of Charles M. Moore
Mary Elizabeth, nee Baker, m. Miles Moore
Mary Elizabeth, married Sidney Ford, Jr.
Miles, governor, WSHS C1965.28.1
Mollie, daughter of Charles M., WSHS C1952.226.58; C2018.0.85
Olivia, union activist, Moore House
Pearl, nee Longmire, married Fred Moore
Philip D, arrived 1862 as deputy revenue collector, served in legislature and other offices, see WSHS C2019.0.46; Olympia Tribune Souvenir Issue, Rogues p. 55 et seq; TCP, Georgiana p. 328; WPA Vol 3
Roxie, saloonkeeper, see Roxie Moore Saloon , see WSHS C1956.20.9
Schooley, son of Philip, WSHS C1943.2x.33
Waldo, saloonkeeper of Tony Faust’s saloon, see WSHS 2010.149.24.2
Charles, police officer, C1957.111x.3
Leo, WSHS C1959.222x.1
Milton, WSHS C2013.18.159
Wilmot, Olympia High School, WSHS C2016.0.120
Hiram D., Indian agent Mud Bay, WSHS C2017.0.87
Mel and Irma, MM Morris Store (Martin Building)
Bert, WSHS C1980.30x.14.10
Hannah, Olympia Collegiate Institute student, C1950.1117.1.27.4, C2013.18.158
A. Benton, Rogues p. 55 et seq, died in Indian Wars
Andrew Jackson, early settler, TCP, keeping registry of, and transporting, new arrivals, Columbian Feb. 5, 1853, territorial librarian
Sarah, nee Yantis, married A. Benton Moses
Sarah, nee Head, married Andrew Moses
Simpson P. first collector of customs, Rogues p. 12, brother of Andrew and A. Benton (see article Early Custom Houses)
Frank, son of Isaac, WSHS C2019.
Ida, daughter of Isaac, married William Henry Yeager, OCI alumna, C1950.1117.1.36.1, OHS alumna C1951.8.17, C1943.2x.33
Isaac Van Dorsey, arrived 1867 – mail carrier, storekeeper, territorial librarian, TCP, WSHS C2011.8.2 (store), C2011.8.1; C2017.0.96
Lottie, married DeVaull
Minnie, daughter of Isaac, first female steamboat captain, married Charles Hill, Wikipedia article; WSHS C2019.
Nellie (Martha), nee Jackson, m. Isaac
Bessie, WSHS C2013.18.82
Fritz, C1951.284.9, C1986.
George, Rogues p. 153 et seq., see Sylvester’s Window 1933 Meet the Neighbors p. 9; Mayor 1913-1916; established Mottman Mercantile
John, C1951.284.9
I.S., laundry and roller skating rink operator, see Olympia Tribune Souvenir Issue
Frank, OHS student, WSHS C1951.8.15
Wallace, Supreme court justice, WSHS C1956.39.8, C1946.240.3; 2014.130.1.9
Daniel Morgan, pioneer, settled in Thurston County, then Pierce WSHS C2019.0.43
Lillian, WSHS C1986.
Lucinda, arrived in Grand Mound in 1850s, married Elisha Sarjent; TCP
Mary, nee Scully, married James Tighe Mounts
Thomas, settled in South Bay 1853, TCP
John, Early Doctor, see Mowell House ; Rogues p. 283
Ada, nee Sprague, married John
Alice, daughter of Louis
Clara, daughter of Louis, married Philip G Schmidt
Louis, industrialist, see LoMa Villa
Marie, wife of Louis
M.E., Title abstractor, see Olympia Tribune Souvenir Issue
Emma, married Hunter
John, husband of Mary Coates
Mary, nee Coates
May, daughter of Mary and John, married Tunin, hotel operator, WSHS C1950.1305z.33, 36, C1946.241.3
Albert, Olympia businessman, son of Josiah, C1982.18.30.1, C1982.18.30.32, C1982.18.30.3, C1982.18.30.21, C1982.18.30.24, C1943.2x.33
Emma, nee Haines
Emily T. – wife of Albert, C1948.1193.3
Fred, son of Josiah, druggist, Munson House
Josephine, daughter of Josiah, m. Silsby
Josie daughter of Al, milliner, married Grant, WSHS C1948.18.81, see Munson Millinery
Josiah WSHS C1948.1193.2
Lewis, WSHS C1982.18.30.24
Lucy, WSHS C1952.226.29
Murphy Home C1947.9.39; C1964.17.7
Annie C1964.17.12, C1964.17.13
Bertha C1964.17.11, C1964.17.20
Charles, WSHS C1964.17.20
Cora, wife of Henry, nee McClure
Eliza, wife of John, nee McGuire
Frank – Standard editor; (took over business from his father John Miller), C1964.17.15; C1947.9.50
Gilbert Whitman, died young, C1954.469.4
Harriet, nee Brown, married Seth
Henry, WSHS C1982.18.30.7, C1982.18.30.17, C2013.18.15, C1947.9.49
Jessica, WSHS C1952.226.58
John Miller – Mary Kandle Barnes half brother, worked in Barnes store ; Owner and publisher, Washington Standard, owner Olympia Opera House; see Georgiana, p. 107; Rogues p. 37 et seq., TCP; photo from TCP; see also C1964.17.6; C2013.18.15; see photo of Murphy at Opera House at Digital Archives; see also Olympia Tribune Souvenir Issue; see article Mere Mention: John Miller Murphy’s column, see site of Washington Standard ; See site of Olympia Opera House ; Sylvester’s Window 1874 Meet the Neighbors p. 7
Mary Verne, daughter of Seth, WSHS C1954.469.6
Rosa Pearl, WSHS C1964.17.20
Seth, WSHS C1954.469.5
Winnie, married Will Harris, WSHS C1958.205x.8, C1964.17.9, C2013.18.15
Flora, WSHS C2013.18.82
John, father of Otis, home WSHS C2018.0.118; Rogues p. 133
Otis, OHS graduate, C1951.8.17
Bonnie, nee Van Eaton, married Lewis Musgrove
Lewis Chalmers (or Chandler), shoe store owner, C1961.1185.36, C1961.1185.31,C1961.1185.16-21, C1961.1185.58, see Walker Building
Katherine, see Eugley
Mary, nee Patch
Stewart, WSHS C1961.1185.30
Flora, m. John, nee Chambers
John, doctor, Rogues p 275; Mustard House
Edwina Lloyd, WSHS C1960.298X.4
Jim, worker at water system, WSHS C1949.18.51; see Watershed Park
Sol, founder of Olympia Knitting Mills, OHS newsletter article Bathing Suits, Beat and Brew, WSHS C1951.250.24, see Olympia Knitting Mills
Copyright © 2022 Deborah Ross