Most links will open a new window (or tab, depending on your browser), taking you to an external site with information and/or pictures of the named person (or, in the case of State Historical Society images, to the Collections Search page). In some cases, for example, full texts of books posted at Google, you may have to enter the provided page number in a search box. To return to the index, simply X out of the new window/tab. Please contact us if you find broken links, or have a suggested name or link to add to this site. Updates are made continually.
Instructions for specific sources:
Washington State Historical Society (WSHS): To access images from the Washington State Historical Society (WSHS) collections, enter their catalog numbers in Collections Search box. You will be taken to a detailed description of the photograph or object, whether or not it has been scanned. Items in bold face have been scanned.
Works Projects Administration, Told by the Pioneers: Clicking on a link will take you directly to the biography or sketch in question. Warning: links will download large PDF files; not suitable for dial-up connections.
Georgiana Blankenship: Clicking on a link will take you to an “Overview” page, where you can enter the provided page number (or enter a person’s name in the search box) to be taken to their biography or picture.
Thurston County Pioneers: Clicking on a thumbnail will take you to a photograph of the person posted on the Thurston County Pioneers site. Clicking on the TCP link will take you to page one of the pioneer’s listing. Note: there may be two or more pages associated with one pioneer – you can enter the pioneer’s name in the Pioneer website’s search box to find all pages.
Historic Newspapers Project: The Secretary of State has scanned and indexed a number of newspapers from before Washington became a state (main page here). Links are provided to a select number of articles relating to Olympia pioneers. Many others are available by entering a personal name search here. For the most part, these links are to the DJVU version of these articles. DJVU is a free downloadable reader available here. Articles are also available in PDF format through the search links provided above.
Olympia Women’s Walking Tour: clicking on the WHC link will take you to the interactive Google map compiled by the Women’s History Consortium. You will then have to scroll down the left-hand column to look for the provided site name