Mann’s Seeds – 9/21/14

Merle Junk photograph, Susan Parish Collection, Washington State Archives, 1960s Champion Bramwell Mann, an early Olympia pioneer, held a variety of public offices, including territorial librarian, Thurston County Treasurer, and mayor. His most lasting legacy to local historians is a survey he sent out to other Thurston County pioneers and their descendants, asking questions about…

Second Church of Christ, Scientist

Location: 1403 Garfield St. NW Local Register; mid-Century Modern; Religious Institutions; Schools Second Church of Christ, Scientist building 1950, Merle Junk photograph, Susan Parish Collection, Washington State Archives Second Church of Christ, Scientist building (Mariah Arts) today (2014), photograph by Deb Ross The Second Church of Christ, Scientist congregation was formed in the 1930s and met in various…