E.N. Steele

[Captured from Wayback machine that archived deleted City of Olympia pages] E.N. Steele About E. N. (Earl) Steele was born April 19, 1881 in Altoona, Iowa, the son of John and Margaret (Newell) Steele. He married Clara Remdt of Findley, Ohio, on December 25, 1917. They had three children: Margaret Steele Everst, Richard N. Steele,…

Caleb Reinhart

[Captured from Wayback machine that archived deleted City of Olympia pages] Caleb S Reinhart About Caleb Reinhart was the son of Stephen and Sarah Reinhart, pioneers who crossed the plains in 1852 over the old Oregon Trail. He was born April 5, 1856 in Olympia, approximately ten years after the first western settlers had arrived.…

William Winlock Miller

[Captured from Wayback machine that archived deleted City of Olympia pages] About The following information is reprinted from a poster on display at Olympia High School (formally dedicated as William Winlock Miller High School). Before the establishment of Washington Territory, William Winlock Miller arrived in Olympia in 1850, with the first commission as an American…

Francis Henry

[Captured from Wayback machine that archived deleted City of Olympia page] Francis Henry Birth: January 27, 1827, Galena, Il Death: September 27, 1893, Olympia, WA Spouse: Eliza B. Henry (Married Yam Hill, Oregon, May 14, 1857) About Born in Galena, Illinois, January 27, 1827, Francis Henry was the first white child born in Galena. His parents, William and…

Elwood Evans

[Captured from Wayback machine that archived deleted City of Olympia page] About On January 28, 1859 the Washington State Territorial Legislature adopted Articles of Incorporation for the Town of Olympia, and appointed Elwood Evans to serve on a 5-person interim Town Board until the first Olympia elections were held. The interim Board convened for its first meeting…

Thornton McElroy

[Captured from Wayback machine that archived deleted City of Olympia page] Thornton F. McElroy Born: West Middletown, Pennsylvania, 1825 Died: February 4, 1885 (Buried Masonic Cemetary, Olympia) Spouse: Sarah Elizabeth (Bates) McElroy (Married October 15, 1847, Pittsfield, Illinois) About Started from Pittsfield, Illinois by ox team, date 1849. Arrival on coast at Oregon City, Oregon Territory in 1849.…

George Barnes

[Captured from Wayback machine that archived deleted City of Olympia page] Born: Dundee (Yates County), New York Died: November 18, 1912, Olympia, Washington. Spouse: Mary Ann Kandle (Married July 1842) About Started from Fort Wayne, Indiana by team, Spring of 1848. Arrival on coast: Oregon City, Oregon, Fall of 1848. Spent the winter there and then wagoned to…