Happy New Year to all of you history lovers in our midst! January promises
to be a busy month with lots of events to participate in. Here are some we
know of:

– January 5, 6:30-8:30 PM: Wood Window restoration. This is part of
the Do-it-Yourself Wednesdays! Workshops, Hosted by Olympia Supply Co, 625
Columbia St. Olympia. With each Workshop: Get a 15% Off Coupon at Oly
Supply, and a chance to win free products worth $30 or more!

– January 10, noon, State Capital Museum: Arrowheads, Dart Points, and
Knives, Oh My! Stone Tool Technology of the Southern Puget Sound. Scott
Williams, Cultural Resources program manager at Washington’s Department of
Transportation, will discuss the history of stone tools and technologies in
the South Sound with a slide presentation and hands-on artifact display.

– January 17, 7:30: The Olympia Power and Sail Squadron has invited John
Dodge to speak on the history of Olympia’s estuary and waterfront, as part
of its regular January meeting. The Squadron has graciously invited Olympia
Historical Society members and friends to attend John’s talk. The event will
be held at the Yacht Club (near Bayview Market)

The winter 2011 issue of the Olympia Historical Society newsletter will be
issued towards the end of January. 2010 and 2011 members who wish to place a
*free *ad in the newsletter should e-mail their image and/or copy
(preferably in jpg format) to the above address no later than January 10.
This is a great way to advertise your business, organization, book, etc.
The newsletter editor is always interested in hearing your stories
about Olympia – for example, your family, events from your youth or
childhood. One or two paragraphs can always be accommodated. If you are
interested in submitting a longer, feature, article, please contact us for
use in a future issue.
Another great format for sharing your memories is our Facebook page
(Olympia Historical Society), also maintained by our newsletter editor Mark
Derricott. It has lively discussions about all sorts of historical subjects,
including a new "This week in Olympia’s history" feature. If you visit this
page, and become a "fan" you will receive updates on your Facebook home page
whenever there is a new post.

And speaking of membership: if you haven’t done so already, don’t forget to
send in your renewal. Your dues help to pay for our website, brochures and
collection, as well as contributions to other important history-related
organizations and events.

Deborah Ross, on behalf of
The Olympia Historical Society