Come join us on Saturday, January 27, 2024 for the OHS & BHM Annual Meeting. The meeting begins at 1:00 pm. This year, our program commemorates the 170th anniversary of the first meeting of the Washington Territorial Legislature in 1854. A highlight of the meeting will be our program featuring historic accounts of life in the Steh Chass village and early Olympia. The meeting will be held at the Olympia Center located directly across the street from the site (currently the location of the Bread Peddler) of the Gold Bar Restaurant where the first territorial legislative session convened.
You will also want to stay for our annual heritage award program during which we will honor and celebrate significant persons, places, and events that have preserved our past and continue to shape Olympia’s future.
After the program and awards, we will hold our OHS & BHM business meeting where members will elect new board members, be briefed about our achievements in 2023, and get a glimpse of what’s ahead for the Society in 2024.
This year, the annual membership meeting will be at the Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St. NW in downtown Olympia from 1 to 3 pm. The meeting room is ADA compliant with a seating capacity of 75 persons. If you are unable to attend the meeting in-person, we are also offering a zoom meeting link for you to participate on-line. To register for the meeting on zoom, click on this registration link:…/tZMld-ippjooHdNJC0ze23EPi…
Financial Information will be distributed at the meeting.
An election for new and returning board members will be held at the annual meeting. There are five positions standing for election. More information is here.
Per our bylaws, only those people who are current members may vote. If you have not already joined or renewed, please consider renewing here.
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday January 27th at the Olympia Center.