
Rogues, Buffoons and Statesmen: The Inside Story of Washington’s Capital City

by Gordon Newell

Seattle: Superior Publishing Co., 1975.

Transcribed for Web, 2002
TRascribed verbatim, including errors.  Text in [brackets] inserted to aid searching.


Abbott, M. D., 337
Abernethy, Alexander S., 23,32, 33, 82
Acme Theater, 222, 266, 327
Active, str., 27, 28
Adams, Fred A, 293
Adams, George, 370, 391, 396, 402, 442
Aetzel, Mrs. George, 310
Agatz, Mrs. Fred, 290
Agee, John, 396
Albright, Amy, 352, 353
Alice, tug, 332
Alida, str., 71, 72
Alexander, Eddie, 455
Allen, Clay, 272
Allen, John B., 129,135,143,144
Allen, Pliny, 232, 239, 243, 257, 335, 347
Alida, str., 71, 72
Anderson, Mrs. A. N., 351
Anderson, E., 364
Anderson, Emmett, 472,476,479, 495
Andrews, Lloyd, 496, 499
Angle, Grant, 215, 242
Ankeny, Levy, 150, 181, 195, 225
Anti-Saloon League, 176, 200, 214, 226, 228, 229, 240, 243, 258, 265, 268, 271, 283, 316, 347,356,359
Armstrong, H. C. (Army), 427, 443
Arrasmith, J. W., 102, 141
Arthur, Chester A., 105
Ashley, W. G., 183,188,189,237, 238
Aston, Thomas, 360
Athens University, 131, 148, 492
Atkinson, N. P., 415
Atlanta, schooner, 163
Atwood, Stanley F., 389
Austin, Capt. Harold D., 470
Avalon Theater, 340
Axtell, Frances C., 255, 257
Ayer, Ellis, 152
Ayer, Louise, 191

Bagley, Clarence B., 58, 63, 65, 74,78,81,92,97,102-107,242
Bagley, Rev. Daniel, 49,55,60,28
Bagley, J. D., 47
Bagshaw, Enoch W., 353
Bailey, H. B., 439
Bailey Motel, 439
Bailey, Robert C., 496
Baker, A. C., 253
Baker, Bush T., 223, 263, 318
Baker, Frank S., 370
Baker, Fred K., 349, 353
Balch, Lafayette, 17
Balch, Roscoe, 360
Baldwin, A. J., 24, 31 i 57
Ball, Robert, 190
Ballaine, John E., 155
Ballard, Capt. W. R., 72
Ballew, Jack, 492
Bank of Olympia, 488
Banker, E. F., 368
Barnes, Bert H., 254
Barnes, Frank, 347
Barnes, George A., 12, 34, 38, 46, 52,56,61,63,69,76,100,103, 106,112, 133, 148
Barnes, Mrs. George A., 38
Barnes, Grant, 347
Barnes Hook & Ladder Co., 63, 93,96,100
Barrett, Eldon, 464
Barrett, Ernest, 205
Barrington, Ned, 177
Bartholet, Matt, 318
Barton, C. M., 133
Bates, D. C., 188
Bates, Jack E., 403
Bates, Kate (Stevens), 351, 398
Bayview Hotel, 361
Beach, C. E., 303
Beach, L. P., 65
Beach, W. M., 232
Beals, Judge Walter B., 367, 432
Bean, Abe, 358
Beatty, D., 24
Beatty, Oliver, 354
Beaver, str., 27
Beek, Cleo, 350
Beek, Dave, 442, 447
Beckett, Evro, 421
Beedy, Thomas, 141
Beeler, Judge Adam, 354
Beeman, Thomas, 339
Bell, William N., 28
Bell, W. P., 239
Benn, E. B., 359
Benn, E. M., 467
Benson, A. J., 241
Bercier, Peter, 10
Berger, H. O., 337
Berry, Alfred, 20, 21
Berry, C. E., 118
Berry, Clyde, 172
Bettman, Louis, 13, 100
Biesen, Cheater, 334
Bigelow, D. R., 17, 19, 56
Bigelow, George, 254, 275
Biles, S. D., 17
Biles’ Tannery, 171
Billings, William, 61, 75,98, 110, 173, 203
Bingea, Rev. Richard, 481
Birney, Charles, 378
Bish, Seth, 438
Black Hawk, ship, 57
Black, Clark G., 268
Black, Judge W. W., 255, 300, 301
Blaine, E. L., 289
Blair, Rev. Chester C., 351
Blake, Judge Bruce, 407
Blankenship, George E., 8, 133, 174
Blankenship, Mrs. George E., 54, 55
Blankenship, Robert, 172, 237, 286
Blethen, Alden J., 198, 207, 230, 276
Blethen, Gen. Clarence, 329
Blinn, Marshall, 69, 76, 78
Block, George, 420
Blodgett, F. I., 125
Bloomer, Nevada, 117, 118, 123
Boede, Violet, 394, 425
Boeing Airplane Co., 286, 401
Boeing, William, 286, 401
Bolan, A. J., 17, 25
Boldt, George, 454
Bone, Homer T., 310, 339, 362, 374, 399, 430
Bond, James J., 373
Bonker, Don, 496
Bookstore, The, 348
Bordeaux, Theodore, 264
Bouck, William, 311
Bowen, Charles, 254, 301, 308
Bowen, O. A., 123
Bowman, Claire, 354
Boyd, Thomas Henderson, 133, 139
Brabrook, E. D., 348, 349, 352, 440,452,482
Bradford, B. F., 17
Bradley, Ira T., 67, 118, 487
Braeger, Otto, 201
Brainerd, Erastus, 163, 272
Brazeal, Hollys, 341
Brazeal, Jack, 350
BreQkner, Elmer L., 303,342,350
Brenner, Billie, 399
Brenner, J. J., 253
Brenner Oyster Co., 173
Brenta, Thomas J., 83, 90
Breuer, Chester, 465
Bricker, J. C., 326
Bridgford, Dr. Wayne, 189, 218, 238, 253, 254, 275, 372, 373
Brintnall, B. W., 118
Bromley, Harold, 349
Bronson & LaGue Motor Co., 263
Brooks, N. B., 268
Brooks, Quincy A., 14
Brouillet, Frank, 496
Brown, B. F., 77
Brown, Beriah, 242
Brown Derby Motel, 492
Brown, Ed, 282
Brown, Dr. Edwin J., 221
Brown, George E., 359
Brown, J. Sox, 270
Brown, Jim, 366
Brown, leland P., 303
Brown, Theodore, 203
Brown’s Wharf, 77
Brownfield, Daniel, 17
Bruno, Louis, 496
Bryan, Charles, 321
Bryan, R. B., 123
Bryan, William Jennings, 153, 175, 220, 225, 297
Bryant Lumber Co., 380
Buchanan Lumber Co., 317, 377
Buckeye Extract Co., 215, 221, 248
Bucoda Enterprise, newspaper, 118
Bucove, Dr. Bernard, 468
Bullitt, A. Scott, 331, 339
Bunce Music Co., 347
Burke, Judge Thomas, 245
Burmeister Building, 357
Burnett, Monroe, 446
Burr, Charles, 428
Burwell, Trane, 310
Bush, A. S., 151, 171
Bush, George, 9, 18, 19, 23
Bush, W. O., 78
Butler, Hillory, 41, 102
Butts, Maj. Archibald, 251
Byrne, John, 190

Cain, Harry P., 429,439,458,459, 473
Calathea College, 132, 148
Callvert, S. A., 291
Campfire Bill, 290
Canfield, Damon, 496
Canwell, Albert, 443, 447, 471, 473
Capital, m.v., 348
Capital Apartments, 260, 292, 293,332,460
Capital Brewing Co., 155, 165, 171
Capital City, str., 179, 200
Capital City Creamery, 326
Capital City Iron Works, 279
Capital National Bank, 131,137, 174, 220, 310, 317, 341, 374
Capitol Club, 442, 448
Capitol Lake, 278, 446, 465, 469, 483,493
Capitol Pavilion, 493
Capitol Theater, 319, 327, 331, 352,421
Carlton, G. W., 76, 100
Calton [Carlton?] House, hotel, 76, 100, 168, 169, 206, 318, 356, 361, 445
Carlyon, Fred, 163
Carlyon, Dr. P. H.,163,172,201, 203, 204, 233 246, 248, 266, 278, 292, 293: 300, 315, 335, 396
Carnefix, A. D., 11
Carr, Charles R., 290
Carr, Grace, 351
Carroll, P. P., 107, 189, 190,221
Case, Lucy, 265
Case, Otto A., 362,,369, 389, 412, 449, 472, 475, 482, 496
Case, W. E., 280
Casey, Col. Silas, 29,31, 32
Cater, Mrs. C. C., 292
Cater, Ira, 292
Catlin, Seth, 17
Catt, Cary, Chapman, 298
Cavanaugh, Thomas H., 107, 109, 125, 129
Chadwick, Stephen F., 331, 409, 410
Chamberlin, George C., 367
Chamberlin, Mollie G., 367
Chambers, A. H., 11, 112, 116, 218, 239
Chambers, David J., 11, 79
Chambers, McLain, 11
Chambers, Thomas, 11
Chandler, E. M., 341
Chapman, J. M., 17
Chatfield, Chester, 279
Cheadle, Charles, 205
Cheadle, Edward, 191
Cheatham, Neal, 173
Chelan, cutter, 257
Chenowith, Judge F. A., 17, 19, 28, 29, 31
Cherberg, John A., 496
Cherrington, Ernest, 200, 228
Chestnut, Fred, 358
Chitty, A. J., 384
Christopher, A. H.
Chronicle, newspaper, 191, 337
City of Aberdeen, str., 152, 162, 179
City of Olympia, str., 163
City of Shelton, str., 152, 205
Clark, Asa, 463
Clark, Charles, 186
Clark, F. A., 239
Clark, Frank, 28, 31, 48-51, 59
Clark, Norman H., 181
Clark, Sam, 452
Clark, W. H., 85
Clausen, C. L., 352
Clausen, C. W., 331,344,348,352- 254
Clem, Florence, 297
Clem, Frances, 297
Clem, Frank S., 349
Clements, J. C., 65
Clendenin, John S., 16
Cleveland, Grover, 106,110,114, 118,123
Cline, Charles E., 159, 162, 164
Clinton, Rev. Percival, 356
Cock, Col. William, 24, 26
Coe, Earl, 439, 446, 449, 469, 472, 495
Coffee, John M., 389, 399, 423, 430, 439
Col. E. L. Drake, tanker, 238
Cole, Bert, 496
Cole, George, 59
Cole, William, 337, 346, 350, 403- 406
Collins, Bert H., 392
Columbia Engine Co., 57, 58, 63, 84, 93, 96, 97,100, 191
Coman, E. T., 300 Corner, W. W., 267
Comfort, A. B., 462
Commercial Age, newspaper, 63- 65
Conger, George C., 258, 271, 283
Conner, W. W., 267
Conqueror, barkentine, 338
Conrad, L. D., 337
Conser, William, 358
Constitution, str., 35
Constitution, USS, 377
Cooke, W.  J., 287
Cooke, Jay, 63, 69, 70, 99
Cool, Samuel, 11
Coolidge, Calvin, 320, 321, 339 Coon, Charles E., 193, 207, 225, 226
Cornelius, B., 23
Cornelius, Dr. F. J., 438
Cory, Arthur, 443
Cosgrove, Howard, 226
Cosgrove, Gov. Samuel, 224-227, 235
Costigan, Howard, 429
Cotterill, George F., 207, 226-229, 231, 258, 276, 429
Coughlin, Margaret, 394
Coulter, Samuel, 11, 63
Courtny Ford, brig, 171
Courier, weekly newspaper, 97, 105, 107
Cowen, David, 393,394, 403,425, 460
Cowles, H., 172
Coyle, W. J. (Wee) 301, 307, 321
Cranor, John R., 452
Crawford, Sam, 60, 242, 335
Groake, Dr. Nena J., 255, 257
Crockett, Sam, 10
Crosbie, Judge H. R. 17
Crosby, Bing, 12, 428
Crosby, Clanrick, 11, 12, 49, 69, 202
Crosby, Mrs. Harry L., 428
Crosby, Nathaniel, 12, 428
Crosby, Judge Walter, 272, 276, 326
Crossline, ferry, 448
Crow, Judge H. D., 256
Crowell, H. W., 188
Cummings, Robert C., 267, 444, 498
Cunningham, Ross, 461
Curtis, Charles, 339
Curtis, Lt. Silas B., 29
Cusack, Harry L., 284-286, 290
Cushman, F. W., 167, 200, 225, 350, 351, 360

Dacula, s.s., 295
Dailey, James E., 246
Daily Capital, newspaper, 133
Daily Courier, newspaper, 66, 74, 78, 92
Daily Critic, newspaper, 105
Daily Experiment, newspaper, 82, 84
Daily, James A., 385
Daily Olympian, newspaper, 78
Daisy, str., 94
Dakota, s.s., 72, 77, 79, 85, 91
Dallam, Frank M., 267
Daly, James, 383
Daniels, Thurston, 157, 168
Daragh, Robert, 274
Darling, Albert, 237
Davis, Ed, 343
Davis, John W., 321
Davis, Linck, 225, 281
Dawley Bros, Constr. Co., 327
Dawley, J. M., 433, 459
Day, William S., 499
Delmore, Lawrence L., Jr., 483
Denny, Arthur A., 17, 19, 28, 39, 40, 42, 55,189
Denny, John C., 349
de Koven, Reginald, 231
De Lacey, Hugh, 429, 439
De Voe, Emma, 229, 230, 244, 245, 298
De Vore, Rev. John F., 49
De Wolfe, Charles H., 43
De Wolfe, Herbert, 234
Dewey, Adm. George, 164
Diamond, Joseph, 469
Dickson, Dr. Fred, 482
Dill, C. C., 260, 280, 286, 287,31 1, 339, 379, 409, 423
Dill, Rosalie, 389
Dittman, Ainelia, 303
Doane, W. J., 253
Doane, Capt. Woodbury, 91, 166
Doane’s Oyster House, 91,96,246
Dobbins, J. S., 103,106
Dobrin, Donald, 354
Dofflemeyer, James, 190
Dofflemeyer Point, 220
Dohm, Gen. Edward C., 310, 319, 327,366,402,417
Dore, Fred, 496
Doty, Boyd P., 228, 243, 258
Douglas, Sir James, 27
Downing, Carl, 450
Draham, George, 253, 263, 312, 321, 485
Drumheller, Joseph, 414, 415
Duby, William, 216
Duby’s Garage, 223
Dufault, Charles, 263, 285, 357
Dugan, F. P., 52
Dunbar, John H., 338, 339, 344, 348, 350, 352-354
Dunbar, Judge R. O., 237, 243
Duncan, Lt. J. K., 18
Dunham, F. A., 105
Duniway, Abigail Scott, 66, 102, 123
Dunlap, W. G., 34
Dunn, Duncan, 324
Durgin, L. G., 17
Durkan, Martin J., 497, 501, 503
Duxbury, Maynard, 243
Dye, Ross, 340
Dyer, T. P., 141
Dysart, Keith, 504 E
Earhart, Amelia, 332
Eastvold, Don, 472, 475, 477, 485
Eaton, C. S., 220
Eaton, Charles P., 10, 25
Eaton, Julia, 297
Ebey, Isaac N., 11, 12, 36, 487
Edison Theater, 184
Edmonds, T. J., 384
Edwards, A. C., 225
Edwards, E. A., 435
Edwards, Capt. Mike, 221
Eels, Edwin, 242
Ellis, Ike, 104
Ellis, Willie, 224
Eliza Anderson, str., 40, 42, 56, 60, 62, 71, 99, lO4, 110
Emilie Parker, schooner, 24
Emma Hayward, str., 104, 110-112,115, 116
Emmanuel, Sam, 468, 470, 472
Engel, Helen, 407
Ernst, Charles, 370, 388
Eshelman, Dudley, 159
Ethel Zane, schooner, 171
Evans, Gov. Daniel J., 358, 492, 494, 496, 497, 499, 500, 501, 503-504
Evans, Elwood, 17,19,26,29,34, 35, 44-52, 56, 59, 95
Evans, George, 172
Evening Olympian, newspaper, 119, 133
Evelyn G., yacht, 171 F

F. E. Lovejoy, m.v., 438
Fairchild, Muir, 242
Fairy, str., 15
Falconer, J. A., 210, 211, 214, 228
Farquhar, A., 180
Faulkner, L. B., 132, 139, 165, 192, 200, 252, 256, 273, 274, 296
Faulknor, Judson, 363
Favorite, str., 76
Faylor, R. W., 192
Ferguson, E. C., 102
Ferguson, J. E., 321
Ferguson, Jesse, 10
Feme, Jesse, 118
Ferry, Gov. Elisha P., 63, 66-69, 73,77,83, 88,90,94,123,126, 128,136,443
Ferry , Eliza, 68
Ferry, Josephine, 141
Ferryman, John, 385
Fifield, Dr. Wendell, 495
Fillmore, Millard, 14
Finch, Capt. D. B., 56, 62, 71
Fishback, H. O., 344
Flagstead, Pete, 274
Flanders, Gov. Alvin, 59, 63, 64
Fleet, Reuben, 274
Fleetwood, str., 110-112,116,121, 122,137
Florida Maru, s.s., 402
Foley, John, 141
Follansbee, Prof L. E., 112,118, 132,148
Forbus, Lady Willie, 425
Forest, W. T., 123
Foes, Henry, 367, 376
Foster, Addison G., 170
Foster, W. J., 237
Fox, Clayton, 205
Fox, Capt. John, 442
Frayn, R. Mort, 475, 481
Freeman, Robert, 468
French, Dan C., 165, 294
French, Edward L., 267, 321
Freshwater, Eagle, 242
Frost, M. H., 17
Frost, Robert, 96, 114, 139, 237
Fry, W. Newton, 415, 424
Fultz, Hollis B., 238, 297, 301, 307, 323
Fultz, William, 408
Funk, George H., 173, 237, 292, 484, 485
Funk, Norman, 297
Furste, Edward, 37
Furseth, Oliver, 396 G

G. W. Kendall, brig, 14
Gabey, Daniel, 162
Gale, J. N., 58, 66, 88, 112
Gallagher, George, 52
Garnmell, David, 407
Gammon, George, 385, 386
Gardner, Mrs. Edward P., 287
Garfielde, Selucius, 32, 41, 47, 55, 59, 60, 62-64, 66
Garrecht, F. A., 246
Garrett, Coydon (Nifty), 365, 366, 383, 389
Canison, Ruth, 296, 297
Garson, Mary C., 459
Garton, Art, 455
Gehrman, Agnes, 412, 425
Gollatly, John A., 300, 339, 344, 358, 362
General Administration Bldg., 483, 484
Geo. E. Starr, str., 92, 104
George, N. E., 327
George, Raleigh, 276
Gholson, Gov. R. D., 36,37,39,77
Giddings, Edward, 24
Gilbert, J. W., 270
Gilbert, lealie, 438
Gilbert, Percy, 284
Giles, Charles, 164
Giles, Judge Milton, 220, 231, 241, 263
Giles, Tom, 318
Gill, Hiram C., 141, 215, 246, 258, 276, 277
Glasgow, Thomas W., 11
Glovin, Marvin, 343
Godat, Emmett, 327
Gold Bar Restaurant, 179, 238, 250
Goldsworthy, H. G., 333
Gong, Rev. Don, 78
Goodall & Nelson Steamship Co., 72, 77, 104                –
Goodloe, William, 470, 478, 499
Goodpasture, G. H., 290, 291
Goodwin, John N., 69
Gordon, Benjamin, 11
Gordon, Judge M. J., 234
Gorham, Charles W., 293
Gorrie, Frank G., 386
Gorrie, Jack O., 430, 431
Gorton, Slade, 496, 504, 505
Goss, Francis P.
Goudy, George, 21, 34, 37
Gove, Capt. D. J., 15
Governor Hotel, 341, 356, 361, 488
Governor House, 488
Gowey, J. F., 121, 124, 126, 469
Graham, Robert V., 496
Graham, Verne, 452
Granger, Charles, 32
Grant, cutter, 63, 64, 67, 88
Great Northern Railway, 180, 181
Grebe, USS 377 Grecian, brig, 12
Greeley, Horace, 63
Green, Joshua, 282
Green Tree Saloon, 186
Greene, Judge Roger, 114, 142, 166
Greenfield, William, 351
Greenwood Inn, 492
Grogerson, Henry, 379
Gregg, H. A., 350
Gregory, Adm. Luther E., 379, 431
Greyhound, str., 204, 220, 248, 249
Gribble, Uford, 354
Grieve, R. R., 442, 475, 496
Griffiths, Austin, 339
Grigg, C. E., 222
Grigsby, Gay, 379
Grim, Raymond, 352 Guiberson, C. B., 183 Guie, E. H., 304
Gunn, Elisha T., 58, 74, 92, 107
Guyot, Mrs. Fred, 291

Haddon, Lulu, 367
Hagan, C. H., 158
Hagan, Joe, 149
Hagemeyer, W. A., 218, 219
Haight, James A., 161
Hale, Capt. C. H., 14,17, 18,42
Hale, Mrs. P. C., 121
Hall, Ton, 463, 482
Haller, Theodore, 334
Halteman, W. A., 210
Ham, W. H., 150
Hamblen, Herbert, 439, 447
Hamilton, Dick, 380
Hamilton, G. W., 363, 406, 408
Hamilton, Gen. Oris, 235
Hamilton, T. J., 125
Hamm, Mrs. M. A., 23
Hancock, Samuel, 11
Hansell, J. E., 348
Hansen, Carl, 320, 326
Hansen, Julia Butler, 424, 425, 465, 471, 475, 481, 495, 496, 597
Hanson, H. C., 419
Hanson, Ole, 230, 233, 246, 295, 410
Harding, Warren G., 286, 311, 320
Harley, Clinton S., 440
Harlin, Robert, 433
Harmon, Hill, 141
Hamed, John, 74
Harney, Gen. W. S., 36
Harrigan, George, 428
Harris Drygoods Co., 187, 341
Harris, I., 61
Harris, Mitchell, 187, 237, 239, 240, 241, 254
Harris, Selwyn, 152
Harrison, Benjamin, 123,124
Hart, Albert, 297
Hart, Gov. Louis F., 257,261,281, 282, 295, 298, 301, 304-308, 311, 314, 315, 317, 319-321, 323, 324, 331
Hartley, Gov. Roland H., 280, 300, 301, 321, 325, 327-329, 331, 333, 335, 341, 344-349, 352-360, 362, 364,365, 367,
375, 389
Hartung, Dr. Frank, 438
Hartwell, Charles M., 219
Hassalo, str., 116
Hastings, Fred W., 343
Hatch, Capt. Z. J., 110, 121
Havens, Claud, 360, 364, 373
Hay, Gov. Marion E., 225, 226, 228-233, 239, 242, 244, 250, 255, 256, 335, 411
Haycox, W. E., 303,304,308
Hays, Capt. Gilmore, 25,26
Hays, Isaac, 32
Hays, Rutherford B., 90, 92,93
Heald, Timothy, 23
Heffernan, J. T., 329
Helm, Bruce, 504, 505
Hemrick, Andrew, 228
Henderson, Ed, 172, 262, 263, 439, 460
Henderson, G. E., 312
Hendrickson, Roy, 326
Henry, Al, 434, 496
Henry, Anson, 42, 46, 51
Henry, Edward E., 395 434, 466
Henry Francis, 41, 56, 59, 62, 82, 106, 121, 145
Henry, Hewitt, 465
Henry, T. N., 199
Heo, 61, 146
Herndon, Capt. Ed, 318
Herrmann, Karl, 496
Hester, D. R., 301
Hewitt, R., 63
Hewitt & Ashley, 188
Heyna, Dr. Garrett, 497, 498, 503
Hicks, B. N., 316, 359, 360, 376
Hicks, Gwin, 168
Hicks, U. E., 52, 55, 168
Highmiller, Dr. Ralph, 438
Hill, Ben F., 270, 321
Hill, James, 180
Hill, Knute, 334, 409, 423
Hill, Sam B., 321, 331
Hillman, C. D., 220,,222, 237, 251
Hiltz, Phillip, 97, 98
Hinkle, J. Grant, 303, 344, 350, 355
Hinkle, Vana R., 395
Hinton, Charles W., 344, 348
Hodde, Charles W., 394, 426, 450, 451, 458, 463, 464, 471, 475, 499
Hoff, Neal, 479, 483
Holcomb, Marjorie, 297
Holcomb, Judge 0. R., 295
Holcomb, Si, 424, 475
Holden, Ashley, 392, 393, 481
Holgate, Josephine, 191
Holgate, Milton, 28
Hollopeter, Louise, 264
Holman, Emma, 135
Holmes, Everett, 398
Holmes, Hal, 423, 439
Homan, A. G., 445
Hoover, Herbert,’301, 339, 347, 349, 352, 356, 360-362
Hoover, J. Webster, 337, 223
Hopkins, W. W., 353
Horan, Walt, 423, 439
Horr, J. C., 133, 229
Horton, Ed, 263
Horton, William, 77, 113
Houser, Paul, 339, 371
Howard, Rebecca, 39, 47, 54, 95, 238
Howe, Horace, 47
Howe, Horace, Jr., 50
Howe, Samuel D., 17
Howell, I. M., 265, 270, 272, 298
Hoyt, Judge John P., 114
Hubbard, Charles F., 246
Hudson’s Bay Co., 8, 16, 27, 28, 36
Huggett, Charlotte, 297
Huggett, Mrs. Roy, 297
Huggins, George E., 168, 222
Huggins, Georgia, 168
Huggins Hotel, 168, 222
Hume, B. F., 340
Hume, Mrs. B. F., 407
Humes, Sam, 352, 353
Humphrey, W. E., 200, 225, 243
Huntamer, L. C., 361
Huntington, H. D., 17
Huntley, Ernest, 456, 457
Hurley, George, 432, 434
Hurley, Margaret, 480, 496
Hum, Reba, 343, 345, 358
Hurspool, John C., 354
Huge, Harry C., 359, 405, 431
Hutchinson, Dr. E. N., 362
Hutchinson, Mary, 358
Hutchinson, Richard, 235, 236, 261
Hutton, Mary, 229, 230
Hyatt, Ham, 318

Idaho, str., 116
Ingham, Dr. G. W., 183,184,188, 192, 204, 238, 253, 263
insurance Building, 302,208,336
Intercity Transit, 488
IRVINE£ Joe, 329
Isabel, str., 71
Ismay, Thomas, 291
Israel, George C., 235
Isom, Virginia, 297
Ivy, Eugene, 479

Jackson, Henry M., 410,459,473, 474,494,496
Jackson, John P., 17
Jackson, Robert, 437
Jackstead, William, 351
Jacobs, Judge Orange, 65
James, Jack, 272
January, Mrs. W. A., 288
Jennings, Thomas D., 337
Johnson, Albert, 339
Johnson, Judge Bertil, 477
Johnson, C. Montgomery, 459, 48,1, 492
Johnson, Curtis, 437
Johnson, Ed C., 326
Johnson, H. C., 348
Johnson, JameoC., 321
Johnson, W. Lon, 294, 321, 335, 337
Johnston, Elmer, 477
Johns, Charles E., 450
Jones, Gabriel, 10
Jones, George L, 326
Jones, Homer R., 439
Jones, H. T., (Deep Creek), 182
Jones, John R. (Jackrabbit), 464
Jones, J. S., 207
Jones, Judge Richard, 117
Jones, Wesley L., 154, 167, 226, 286, 311, 331, 356, 359, 360, 362

Kane, Dr. Franklin, 295
Karr, J. Rose, 223
Kastner, Jessie, 315
Kautz, Lt. August, 31, 32
Keefe, James E., 496
Kegley, C. B., 265
Kegley, C. H., 175
Kegley, T. J., 203
Kelley, Guy E., 283
Kellogg, Gardner, 68, 191
Kelly, E. Pat, 405, 406
Kelly, Pearl, 308
Kelly, Roy E., 434
Kendall, Benjamin F., 17, 24, 29, 31, 35, 42, 43, 44, 46-51
Kennedy, Asaneth Ann, 54
Kennedy, H. F., 316
Kenney, Frank M., 218, 237,263, 292
Ker, Julia Waldrip, 326
Kerschner, Joe, 340, 341
Kevin, Edward, 184,191, 319
Kevin, Elizabeth, 297,319
KGY, radio station, 318,324,350, .362
Kincaid, William, 31
Kindred, David, 10
King, C. D., 218
Kingsbury, E. P., 191, 223
Kingsley, W. J., 326
Kinnear, George, 412
Kinsey, Daniel P., 108
Kinsey, J. D., 288
Klambush, William, 286
Knapp, Ralph, 334
Kneeland Hotel, 202, 206, 231, 240, 288, 356, 445, 455
Kneeland, W. H., 202
Knoblauch, Reuben, 464, 496
Knox Hotel, 221,,235
Knox, Mrs. J. D., 221, 2,35
Kramer, A. Ludlow, 495
Kueekelhan, Lee, 496
Kuntz, J. E., 312, 218, 320, 397
Kupka, George, 464

La Follette, W. L., 243, 339
Lamborn, Frank M., 282
Lamont, Rev. T. J., 152
Lamping, George, 300
Lancaster, Columbia, 16, 17, 32, 41
Lander, Judge Edward, 16, 18, 28, 29, 41, 50, 51
Landon, Dan, 355
Lane, Joseph, 14
Lang, Louis M., 306
Langdon, C. L., 340
Langford, Judge William, 114
Langlie, Gov. Arthur B., 409412, 414, 417, 422, 425, 428-431, 446-454, 457, 458, 461, 463, 466, 470, 472, 476, 478,
481, 494
Lantz, Esther, 367
Larison, Mrs. J. J., 291
Lairsen, Ole, 307, 321
Lasher, Mary, 297
Laughton, Charles E., 123, 129, 136,143,145
Lawrence, Richard, 475
Leach, Alfred William, 296
Ledgerwood, John T., 382
Legislative Building, 295, 312, 314, 419, 320, 323, 327, 331, 333, 336, 337, 338, 343, 344, 364, 369
Leiter, John H., 129, 243
Leland, C. H., 421
Lemon, Gerry, 485
Lemon, Mildred, 152
Lemon, Millard, 173, 254, 263, 266, 296, 341
Leonard, J. E., 284
Leschi, 10, 22, 25, 27, 28, 30-32, 48, 273, 310
Leschi (son of Quiemuth) 146
Leschi, George, 22
Leverich, Jess, 379
Levine, David, 376
Lewis, A. C., 17
Lewis, Al, 419
Lewis, Harry, 297
Lewis, J. Hamilton, 154
Lewis, Judge J. R., 102
Lewis, Victor Alonzo, 338
Libby, J. Frank, 327
Liberty Theater, 319, 327, 350
Lightner, Isaac, 34
Lilian, Stanley, 297
Lincoln, Abraham, 37,38,40,41, 42, 50, 52, 53, 55
Lindberg, Charles R., 337, 384
Lindberg, William F., 379
Lindley, Mrs. Charles, 303
Lindley, Mary, 297
Lister, Gov. Ernest, 169,171,182, 255-263, 267, 272, 274, 278, 290, 281-285,,293-295
Lister, Mrs. Ernest, 260-261
Lister, Florence, 262, 288
Lister, John, 262
Livesly, Daniel, 172
Llewellyn, Gen. Enaley, 464, 455
Llewellyn, Gen. Fred, 246
Logan, J. B., 11
Long, Henry, 130
Longacre, Dr. F. A., 275,390,398
Long Wharf, 112, 137, 173
Lord, C. J., 137,148,168,174,183, 204, 218, 220, 237, 253, 263, 277, 296, 303, 310, 317, 319, 359
Lovejoy, George, 412
Luce, F. H., 159
Lumberman, tug, 332
Lyle, Roy C., 311
Lynch, H. L., 445
Lynch, John S., 264, 408, 426
Lyric Theater, 222
Lytle, Walter, 340

MacEachern, Anna, 300
Mack, Russell V., 446, 449, 496
Mackay, Gordon, 185, 202, 215, 218-220, 240, 241, 262, 263
Mackintosh, Judge Kenneth, 339
Madison, Helene, 352
Magnolia, str., 256, 298
Magnuson, Don, 382, 473
Magnuson, Warren G., 373, 374, 376, 380, 384, 389, 408, 423, 429, 459, 494, 495, 496
Major, Don, 421
Major Tompkins, str., 24
Mallen, Robert, 237
Mallory, Ernest, 439, 460, 484
Malstrom, Kathryn, 367,425
Malta Maru, a.s., 327, 332
Mann, C. B., 146, 273, 327
Maple Vista Apartments, 460
Mardesich, August, 464, 477,496
Marsh, Edwin, 34, 69
Marsh, Shirley, 412
Marsh, Capt. W. B., 386
Marshall, C. A., 254
Martin, Gov. Clarence D., 362, 367, 368, 372-376, 380-383, 387-389, 391, 395, 400-404, 408, 409-412, 447
Martin, Tom, 447, 472, 496
Massachusetts, USS, 37
Matthews, Rev. Mark A., 230, 258, 272, 318. 329
Maury, H. J., 327
Maxon, Maj. H. J. G., 27, 29, 32
Maxwell, Earl, 414
Maybury, Charles R., 260, 261, 267, 281, 285, 378, 412, 429, 472
Maynard, Mrs. Clarence E., 331
Maynard, C. W., 286
Maynard, Dr. David, 12, 54, 55
McAllister, James, 9, 25, 26
McAllister, James Benton, 10
McArdle, L. D., 260,261,270,304, 306, 307, 312
McBratney, Mr. & Mrs. L., 216
McBride, Gov. Henry, 175, 180-182, 191, 192, 225, 226, 279, 331, 335
McCall, O. F., 325
McCarthy, Joseph, 472-474
McCaughan, Dan, 437
McCaughan, Edna, 297
McCauley, J. M., 380
McConaha, G. N., 14, 17, 19
McCoy, George, 258
McCroskey, Earl, 402
McCutcheon, John T, 392, 473, 480
McDermott, James, 476, 477
McDermott, Dr. James, 496
McDonald, Donald, 376
McDonald, E. A., 175
McElroy, P. F., 370
McElroy, Thornton F., 13,16,17, 52, 56, 59,63, 65, 76, 89
McFadden, Judge O. B., 70,75,76
McGee, Richard A., 426
McGill, Henry M., 37, 42, 52
McGowan, W. (Big Bill), 186,218, 236, 241
McGraw, Gov. John H., 141, 142, 148,149, 154
McGraw, Kate, 142
McGraw, May, 142, 152
McGreavy, Dan, 240
McGuire, Wilbur, 342
McKay, Gen. Neil R., 310, 445
McKee, Ruth K., 329
McKenny, Gen. T. I., 61, 76, 101, 112, 121, 131, 191
McKenzie, George, 192
McKinney, Frank, 237
MeLarty, Thomas, 218
McLaughlin, Dr. John, 8, 9
McMahon, Mrs. Edward, 246
McMaster, W. C., 228
McMicken, William, 100
McMillan, John S., 211, 212,221
McMullen, Gov. Fayette, 32-34, 211
McNair, R. A., 164
McNamara, Daniel W., 206
McNeill, Sgt. Fred, 326
McQuestion, Ida, 358
McRae, Donald, 280
Mead, Gov. Albert E., 193, 194, 199, 200, 207,211, 214, 220, 225,226,228
Meany, Prof Edmund S., 136, 143, 161, 231, 281, 295
Meath, Edward, 270
Meays, J. H., 218
Meeker, Ezra, 21, 22, 27, 28, 31, 63, 144, 150,162, 234
Megler, Joseph, 136, 170, 171
Meigs, L. O., 210, 226, 227, 2,33, 234
Mentzer, T. F., 144
Mercer, Asa S., 55
Mervin, C. P., 304
Message, newspaper, 65
Messenger, str., 81, 89, 94, 104
Meyer, Herman, 287
Meyers, Al, 386
Meyers, Louis, 61
Meyers, Victor A., 363, W5, 371, 376, 377, 379, 383, 389,-391, 393, 400, 402, 405, 412, 429, 435,440,441,459,495
Milan Maru, S.S., 327
Miles, Joseph, 26
Miller & Ethridge Mill, 53
Miller,  Capt. Bluford, 29
Miller, Edmund, 365, 372
Miller, Floyd, 480
Miller, Mrs. H. J., 315, 325
Miller, John F., 331
Miller, William Winlock, 25, 205
Miller, Mrs. William Winlock, 205
Miller’s Department Store, 341
Mills, Chapin, 393, 394
Mills, George, 187, 263, 340, 351, 361
Mills, Jesse T., 176, 188, 279
Milroy, W. J., 348, 352, 353
Mitchell Hotel, 192,199,202,206, 291, 309,341
Mitchell, Hugh B., 430,439,471, 472
Mitchell, J. L., 17
Mitchell, Judge John R., 286
Mitchell, M. B., 359
Mitchell, W. H., 192
Mitchell, William, 32
Mitchell, William, .354
Mohler, Carl, 414-416, 426
Monroe, Judge Victor, 16,18
Moore, A. J., 11, 13
Moore, A. W., 14
Moore, Janet, 267
Moore, Gov. M. F., 59, 63
Moore, Gov. Miles C., 123, 125
Moore, P. D., 55, 76
Moore, Ray, 459
Morgan, D. H., 24
Morgan, Harry, 113
Morgan, John, 437
Morgan, Lulu D., 394
Morning News, newspaper, 218, 219
Morning Olympian, newspaper, 133
Morrison, Ellis, 149
Morrow & Blackman, 292
Moses, A. Benton, 26, 31
Moses, S. P., 118
Moss, Gen. H. J., 296
Mottman, Fritz, 485
Mottman, George A., 153, 163, 174, 199, 203, 206, 237, 247, 254, 257, 262, 263, 264, 273, 277, 278, 279, 301, 309,
MottmaMercantile Co., [sic,  Mottman Mercantile Co?] 162, 187, 247, 301, 488
Moulton, Mark, 334
Mowell, Dr. J. W., 283
Mowell, Mrs. J. W., 290, 302
Mueller, George, 214
Mukilteo s.s., 317
Multnomah, str., 137, 152, 162, 163, 173, 174, 179, 200, 204, 221, 237, 249
Murphy, John Miller, 37-40, 42, 44,46-53,61,66-69,76,78,82, 84,85,89,90-95,100,102,115, 119, 125, 132, 136, 137,
139, 150, 155, 161, 162, 169, 175, 176, 177, 187, 211, 224, 238, 242, 302
Murphy, Kobel, 371, 384
Murphy, Richard, 435
Murray, J. N., 133
Murrow,L V.,352,374,382,383
Mustard, Dr. Jack, 275
Mustard, Jean, 297
Myers, Charles, 325
Myers, Florence, 367

Naden, George, 237
Naden, Mrs. George, 303
Neal, Grant, 191 Neal, M. T.,404
Nelson, H. L., 385
Ness, Rev. Henry, 452
New England Hotel, 88, 290
Newell, Bernice, 141
Newell, Capt. G. R., 445
Newell, Roy E., 332
Newell, Gov. William A., 90, 92, 95,103,106,138,149,152,166
Newell, William H., 41, 60, 83, 177
Newman, Pauline, 377
New Transcript, newspaper, 112, 118
Nicely, Wallace, 369
Nichols, Ralph, 229, 231
Nichols, Sam H., 221, 225, 232, 234, 281
Nisqually, str., 249,250,256,298
Nixon, Richard M., 474, 505
“Noah’s Ark”, 352
Noniinenson, Mrs. C., 274
Norman, Fred, 384,423,429,439, 446
Norrie, Charles, 376
North Coast Lines, 337, 378
Northcraft, William, 31
Northern Pacific Railway, 32,53, 59, 62, 66, 67, 69, 70, 76, 77, 83, 94, 96, 99, 107, 131, 133, 134, 153, 176, 179, 184,
206, 278
Northerner, s.s., 36
Northland, D. V., 324
North Pacific, str., 71, 77, 112
Northwest Teacher, newspaper, 112
Novelty Theater, 222
Nulton, Claire, 297 0

O. C. Raymond, brig, 12
O’Brien, John L., 413, 426, 473, 496, 497
O’Brien, P. J., 174, 188
O’Brien, Gen. R. G., 92, 120, 124, 137, 145, 151
.O’Brien, Mrs. R. G., 310
O’Brien, Robert S., 496
O’Connell, Jerry, 447
O’Connell, John J., 496, 501
O’Conner, M., 172
Odlin, Reno, 374
Ogden, W. J., 146
Old Settler, str., 82, 117
O’Leary, Dr. J. J., 326
O’Leary, Thomas, 280, 286, 287, 290
Oliver Wolcott, cutter, 94
Olmstead, Roy, 359
Olsen, Olaf, L., 344, 350, 392
Olson, E. W., 283-285
Olympia, str., 71
Olympia, USS, 164, 165, 174
Olympia, s.s., 341, 350
Olympia Airport, 340, 439
Olympia Bar Association, 106
Olympia Bicycle Club, 175
Olympia Building & Loan Assn., 105
Olympia Brewing Co., 183, 203, 215, 218, 221, 222, 268, 274, 278, 289, 290, 377, 493, 468
(see Capital Brewing Co.)
Olympia Canning Co., 289
Olympia Collegiate Institute, 100, 11 2, 132, 147, 216, 264
Olympia Fir Lumber Co., 317
Olympia lst National Bank, 100, 110,,156, 220, 362, 374
Olympia Maru, m.s., 341
Olympia No. 2, fire engine, 101, 121, 122, 191, 192, 201, 202
Olympia Gas & Electric Co., 104, 113
Olympia Harbor Lumber Co., 357, 377
Olympia Grays Harbor Electric, 119
Olympia High School, 187, 205, 216, 291, 292, 303, 309
Olympia Hotel, 120,121,124,136, 148, 152, 158, 162, 168, 176, 181, 187, 191, 192
Olympia Iron Works, 131
Olympia Junk Co., 308, 318
Olympia Knitting Mills, 237,340
Olympia Land Co., 118
Olympia Light & Power Co., 132, 138, 139, 146, 149, 165, 179, 202, 273, 297, 326
Olympia Mfg. & Building Co., 218, 219, 236, 238
Olympia ball team, 187, 205
Olympia Motors, 337
Olympia Opera House, 132,168, 228, 302
Olympia Railway Co., 120, 124, 130, 132, 133, 138
Olympia Reserve Fleet, 438
Olympia Sas& Door Co., 171
Olympia Senators, ball team, 205, 274, 318, 342
Olympia Shipbuilding C.., 277, 288
Olympia Soda Works, 206
Olympia State Bank, 131
Olympia-Tacoma Navigation Co., 249, 298
Olympia-Tenino Railroad, 74,76, 78-82, 113
Olympia-Tumwater Foundation, 468
Olympia & Tumwater Railway Co., 120, 132
Olympia Veneer Co., 310, 487
Olympia Water Co., 77, 93, 98, 119, 131, 190, 202, 263, 264
Olympia Wine & Liquor Co., 204
Olympian, newspaper, 133, 145, 149, 152, 161, 165, 169, 175, 205, 219, 310, 327, 337, 347, 350,356,489
Olympian, tug, 238
Olympian Hotel, 291, 296, 301, 302, 333, 334, 337, 341, 360, 361, 419, 492
Olympic Aeronautical Co., 340
Olympic Aviation School, 340
Olzendam, Roderic, 452,453,461, 462,467
Orbit, brig, 11, 12, 338
Oregon Improvement Co., 113, 131, 147, 184
Oregon, Washington Railway, 99,104,107,112,116,137,297
Oridono Maru, S,S., 332
Orrick, Rev. J. M. 239
Ory, schooner, 171
Osborne, Louis, 217
Ostrander, Dr. Nathaniel, 96,112
Otter, str., 110
Ouimette, E. N., 79, 96
Overhulse, John M., 219
Overland Press, newspaper, 42, 43, 46, 58
Owings, Frank, 303
Owings, Col. N. H., 93,109,112, 121
Oxford Saloon, 277, 280

Pacific Coast Investment Co., 341
Pacific Coast Steamship Co., 104
Pacific House, hotel, 24, 39, 47
Pacific Lutheran Seminary, 216, 264
Pacific Tribune, newspaper, 58, 65
Packwood, Elisha, 11
Packwood, William, 11
Page, J. M., 162
Page, Leila, 186
Palladium, newspaper, 147,161, 162
Palmer, E. B., 355, 368, 375
Panama, s.s., 77
Parker, Capt. Gil, 117
Parker, Judge Emmett N., 234, 263
Parker, J. G., 13, 24, 77
Parr, Harry L., 239, 246, 406
Partisan, newspaper, 107
Partlow, Dr. H. W., 275
Partlow, Dr. K. L., 275, 310
Patterson, Ren, 171
Pattison, John, 225
Paulhamus, J. S., 207, 212, 229, 232,243,245,257
Payn, Elias, 190
Peabody, Capt. Alex, 390, 406, 448,453,457
Peck, Benjamin, 284
Pemberton, William, 362
Pennock, William, 442, 447, 453, 458,469
Peoples University, 187, 211
Peppard, Dr. Thomas, 263
Percival, Dock, 84, 89, 121, 131, 215, 238, 256, 282, 459
Percival, Mr. and Mrs. H.A., 216, 309
Percival, John C., 89,131
Percival, Capt. Samuel, 15, 75, 76,131, 309
Perkins, J. L., 24
Perkins, Sam, 177,200,224,251, 357
Peters, J. L., 296
Peters, Joe, 272
Peters, Ruth, 295
Peterson, A. J., 326
Peterson, Payson, 410, 459
Pettus, Edward, 415
Phantom, str., 94
Phelan, Florence, 354
Phillips, A. A., 106, 112, 171, 297
Phillips, A J., 278, 326,332,437
Phillips, Frank, 326
Phillips, James A., 437
Phillips & Newell, contractors, 332, 337, 340, 351, 357
Phillips, Richard, 297
Phillips, William, 171
Pickering, Gov. William, 41, 45, 46, 53, 55, 65
Pickett,,Capt. George E., 36
Pierce, Franklin, 16, 24, 48
Pierce, Capt. H. M., 163, 291
Pierce, John, 291, 340
Pierce, Thad, 291, 296, 356
Pierson, Van R., 193
Piles, Samuel H., 195, 200, 288
Ping, Elisha, 78
Pinnell, John, 56, 62,89,176,487
Pioneer, str. 53
Pioneer & Democrat, 20, 21, 27, 37, 42
Plumb, William H., 14
Plummer, W. H., 158, 160, 170 Poe, A. M., 10, 42, 46
Poindexter, Miles C., 225, 286, 311, 339
Polson, Alex, 214, 231
Port Angeles, s.s., 317
Port of Olympia, 310, 311, 317, 320, 338, 341, 350
Port Townsend Southern Rwy., 113, 116, 131, 147, 153, 179, 184,242,278
Potts, William, 348
Powe, William, 217
Powell, Luther D., 319
Prather, Thomas, 38, 58, 75
Premier, schooner, 171
Preston, Harold, 180
Preston, Josephine Corliss, 290, 299, 304, 339
Priest Point Park, 203, 264, 265, 276, 297, 318, 332, 372, 494
Proff, Harold, 438
Prosch, Charles, 20,42,48,52,58, 59, 63, 65, 92
Prosch, Thomas, 242
Prospector, tug, 338
Puget Sound Agricultural Co., 16
Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co., 173, 215, 243
Puget Sound Courier, newspaper, 20, 27, 43, 66
Puget Sound Freight Lines, 459
Puget Sound Power & Light Co., 297,326,378
Puget Sound Shipbuilding Co., 427

Queen of the Pacific, s.s., 94, 109, 123
Quiemuth, 22, 25, 30, 31, 310
Quinn, Richard, 247

Rabbeson, A. B., 10
Rabbeson & Harned, undertakers, 84
Rabbitt, Tom, 447, 453
Raboin, Phil, 437
Rasmussen, A. L. (Slim), 477, 480,496
Rathbun, J. C. 35, 147, 161, 163
Ray, William, 246
Ray’s Texaco, 411
Raymond, E. D., 191, 204, 217, 238
Reagan, Ronald, 407
Reardon, Kieran, 402, 403, 425
Recorder, newspaper, 192, 198, 200, 203, 219, 223, 232, 310, 337
Redpath, Catherine, 264
Redpath, Dr. N. J., 203, 204, 217, 218, 237, 275 Reed, Fred, 231
Reed, Mark, 174, 213, 253, 267, 298, 315, 321, 324, 325, 334, 343,345,358
Reed, Thomas M., 44, 121, 123
Reeves, Belle, 315, 325, 339, 358, 367, 391, 410, 416, 446
Reid, George T., 210, 211
Reilly, E. J. (Fresh Water), 391, 393, 403, 412, 424, 477, 480
Reinhart, C. S. (Cap), 172, 203, 237
Reliable Welding Works, 419, 427,438
Republican, newspaper, 107
Republican Partisan, newspaper, 118,133
Revelle, Paul, 443
Review, newspaper, 118, 133
Rex Theater, 292, 327
Reynolds, George, livery stable, 187, 216, 242, 247
Ricard, Fr. Pascal, 11
Rice, Elmore, 216
Richardson, H. G., 192
Riley, Ed (Salt Water, 391, 404
Riley, John, 172
Ritner, Beverly, 264
Ritner, Catherine, 264
Robbins, Ronald, 438
Robert Dollar, 338
Roberts, George, 47
Roberts, Joseph D., 395
Roberts, W. A., 105
Robinson, Judge John S., 412
Robinson, J. W., 133, 137, 144, 193
Robinson, Joseph T., 339
Robinson, N. G., 364, 365
Rockway, 0. R., 421
Rodgers, James, 63, 64
Rogers, Jack, 479
Rogers, Gov. John R., 150-157, 159, 161-163, 168, 169, 174, 176, 178, 182, 323, 411, 469
Rogers, Ray, 172
Rogers, W. W., 310
Rogers, Mrs. W. W., 340
Ronald, W. G., 377, 379, 382, 383
Rose, Dr. J. A., 438
Rose-Nepple Garage, 292
Rosellini, Gov. Albert D., 404, 424, 433, 439, 444, 450, 460, 463, 469, 470, 475, 478, 482, 494-497, 498, 500, 503-505
Rosellini, Hugh, 434
Rosenthal, Gus, 242
Rosenwald, Julius, 258
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 300, 301, 362, 373-375, 398
Roosevelt, Theodore, 187, 194, 204,226,255
Rosa, E. F., 351
Ross, E. W., 212
Roudebush, Rex, 334
Rowe, Virginia, 297
Rude, H. P., 316
Rundle, A. C., 210
Ruoff, Richard, 480
Ruth, A. S., 176, 177, 181, 187, 195, 198, 213, 214, 226, 231, 233,236,243
Ruth, Fr. Sebastian, 309, 318
Ryan, J. H., 415

S. G. Simpson, str” 298
St. Martin’s College, 153, 187, 264, 309, 318, 488, 493
St. Peters Hospital, 112, 205, 283, 300, 317, 319, 421, 430
Saginaw, s.s., 317
Salomon, Gov. E. S., 64, 65, 67, 74,92
San Diego, dredge, 173
Sandison, Gordon, 426
Sand Man, tug, 332
Santa Barbara, s.s., 204
Sapp, Jess, 464
Sarah Warren, bark, 15
Satterlee, Arleta, 297
Savage, Charles, R., 402, 40231, 270, 321, 325, 331, 34, 425, 429, 439, 446, 449, 496
Savidge, Clark, 146, 38, 344, 345, 348, 349, 352, 353, 354, 358
Sawyer, Ben, 384, 411
Sayward, W. P., 17
Schade, Fred, 370, 371, 377
Schaefer, A. G., 439
Schnieder, Fred, 190
Schietwoot, scow, 14
Schively, John H., 214, 225, 232, 234, 236
Schmidt, Adolph, 341
Schmidt, Clara Louise, 297
Schmidt, Frank, 237
Schmidt, Leopold D., 154, 165, 166, 174, 183, 202, 203, 291
Schmidt, Leopold (2) 289
Schmidt, Louise, 264
Schmidt, Peter G., 221, 196, 302, 351, 356
Schneider, Conrad, 172
Schnieder, Fred, 190
Schroeder, Fred, 460
Schoettler, Robert J., 467
Schwellenbach, Lewis B., 362, 409
Scobey, J. O’B., 161, 162, 163
Scott, Clement, 258
Scott, James, 63
Scott, Gen. Winfield, 48
Scudder, John, 17
Sears, Carlton, 341, 463
Seaside, str., 152
Seattle Brewing & Malting Co., 228
Seattle, Chief, 13, 34, 184
Security Bank & Trust Co., 310
Security Building, 331
Semple, Gov. Eugene, 114, 115
Shacklett, Dean, 489
Shain, Clarence B., 417, 421, 428, 451
Shannon, George D., 121, 139, 165
Shaw, Col. Benjamin, 11, 21
Shaw, Frank, 11, 29
Shazer, George, 11
Shead, Oliver, 76
Shefelman, Harold, 476, 482, 494
Shelton, David, 17
Shenandoah, dirigible, 320
Sherman, W. W., 284
Shively, William, 445
Sholund, Irv, 464
Shore, R. G., 192
Shorett, Judson W., 394
Short, William M., 329
Showalter, Noah, 340, 344, 363, 389
Shroeder, William, 224
Shubrick, cutter, 35
Sickels, George L., 139
Sieler, Herbert, 403
Simmons, Christopher Columbus, 9, 54
Simmons, Kenneth, 464
Simmons, Michael T., 8, 11, 12, 14,17, 19, 21, 54, 180
Simpson, Sol G., 174, 213
Simpson, Rev. T. H., 308, 309
Sims, Ed, 257-259, 265, 267, 270, 315, 316, 324, 325, 328, 334, 335, 343, 347, 358
Sioux, str., 28P
Slaughter, Lt. W. A., 2,5
Sloan, James A., 310
Sloan Shipyard, 295, 310, 317
Sluggia, 30
Smith, Alfred E., 320, 339, 361
Smith, Amanda B., 484
Smith, Charles Harte, 12
Smith, E. L., 59
Smith, H. W., 220
Smith, Jacob, 17
Smith, Jurie B., 382, 391
Smith, Mrs. Jury B., 425
Smith, Levi Lathrop, 10
Smith, Matt, 16
Smith, Michael B., 395, 403
Smith, Sidney, 501, 502
Smith, Tom, 392, 409, 429, 452
Smith, Vernon, 476
Smokehouse, 206, 253, 254, 263, 279, 488
Smyth, Delta V., 332
Snow, J. M., 205, 239
Sophy, Gerald, 411
Sousa, John Phillip, 168
Sparling, John, 340
Speckart, Joseph R., 291
Sprague, John W., 69
Springer, C. H., 112,237,263,296
Springer Mill Co., 112, 238, 487
Squire, Gov. Watson C., 105, 106, 108, 109, 114, 129, 135, 157, 158, 170 158. 170
Stanford, Elizabeth, 297
Stanton, Richard H., 14
Starr, E. A., 71, 72, 76
Starr, L. M., 71, 72, 76
Starett, E. Morris, 376
State Capitol Museum, 319
State Patrol, 306, 312, 317, 320
Stearns, Ed, 421
Steele, E. N., 326, 341, 374, 375
Stentz, J. B., 215, 216, 248
Stevens, Cappi, 442
Stevens, Hazzard, 22, 24, 76, 138, 146, 149, 272, 492
Stevens, Gov. Isaac I., 1, 8, 9,14, 16-18, 21-30, 32, 34, 41, 43,48, 179, 272, 324, 351
Stevenson,, George C.i 193,, 194- 196, 201
Stevenson, John C. (Radio Speaker) 365, 371,.389, 392
Stewart, Mrs. A. H., 121
Stixrud, P., 172
Stocking, Frank W., 216
Stocking, Fred, 237, 254, 260
Story, Dr. E. C., 252, 275, 286
Story, J. B., 340
Streets, R. R., 251
Strickland, Dr. H. S., 251, 357
Stringer, John, 300
Stronier, G. W., 273
Strong, Judge William, 18, 32, 36
Struve, Henry 74,77
Sullivan, John L., 139
Sullivan, P. C., 154
Sullivan, William A., 412, 472, 496
Summers, Jake, 58
Sunday, Billy, 228
Sunset Telephone Co., 119
Susie, str., 91
Suzzallo, Dr. Henry, 295, 324, 328, 329, 331
Swan, James, 218
Swan, John, 40
Swanson, Ralph A., 460, 468, 484
Swantown, 40
Swantown Fill, 332
Swayne, C. J., 218
Sweetman, Maude, 315, 333-336, 343, 358
Sylvester, Edmund, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15 23, 34, 46, 106, 125, 175
Sylvester, John N., 402, 404
Sylvester Park, 178, 343, 487

T. J. Potter, str., 116
Tacoma, tug, 171
Tadlock, J. M., 310
Taft, William Howard, 220, 225, 243, 250, 251, 255
Talcott Bros. Co., 171, 332
Talcott, Charles, 96, 98, 100, 116, 279
Talcott, Mrs. George, 291
Talcott, Grant, 116,191, 298, 445
Tanner, brig, 173
Tanner, W. B., 295
Tappan, William H., 17, 18
Tatro, Stewart, 398
Taylor, E. W., 150
Taylor, Howard D., 243, 246, 257, 260, 261, 267, 282, 304, 412, 425, 426, 449, 468, 472
Taylor, Tom, 221
Tebo, Joseph, 14
Temperance Echo, newspaper, 58, 66, 88, 92, 112
Temple of Justice, 246, 247, 257, 261, 271, 283, 291, 296
Tenino, 70, 74, 148, 241, 253
Tenino Journal, newspaper, 280
Territorial  Republican, newspaper, 58, 63
The Doctor, str., 163
The Evergreen State College, 492, 493
Thomas, Jay, 331, 338, 339
Thompson, E. J., 317-, 338, 339
Thompson, E. J., 317, 341, 360
Thompson, Rev. D. P., 267
Thompson, L. F., 17
Thompson, Gen. Maurice, 285
Thorp, Wayne, 465
Thurston, Samuel, 16
Ticknor, Riley, 459
Tidal Wave, ship, 79
Tilley, Rice, 63, 489
Tilton, Gen. Samuel, 24,26,37,59
Titus, L. E., 337, 340, 341
Titus, Mrs. L. E., 840
Titus, Myron H., 368, 385, 386
Todd, Charles, 371
Todd, Elmer, 431
Toklas & Kaufman, drygood, 85, 100, 116, 127, 174
Tollefson, Thor, 439
Tolman, Warren D., 182
Tolmie, Dr. Robert, 10, 32
Totten, W. P., 346
Tracy, Harry, 172
Transcript, newspaper, 58,65,74, 88,92, 98,107,120
Traveler, str., 24, 77
Traveller, launch, 205
Tribune, newspaper, 133,145
Troth, L., 172
Troxell, B., 312
Troy, Harold, 356, 366
Troy, P. M., 201, 203, 237, 246, 264, 266, 296, 356
Troy, Smith, 297, 356, 408, 446, 454, 456, 458, 472, 485
Truax, Sewall, 102,103
Trullinger, Truman, 420, 432
Truman, Harry S., 428, 437, 446, 474
Tumwater Club, 222, 227, 246
Tumwater Lumber Co., 357
Tumwater Paper Mills, 337, 351, 408
Turner, Ben, 104
Turner, Judge George, 113, 117, 157, 158, 175, 191, 193, 194
Turner, W. R., 445
Turney, L. J. S., 42, 44
Tassier, launch, 171
Tyee Motor Inn, 492

Umatilla, dredge, 111
Union Guard, newspaper, 58
Union Pacific Railway, 130,131, 147, 204, 278
United Wireless Telegraph, 238
U.S. Eagle 57, USS, 310

Van Arsdale, Harry, 296
Van Dell, John, 283, 284
Vanderzicht, John R., 452, 469
Van Dyk, Ralph, 382, 403, 404
Van Eaton, Harold, 424,480,482, 483
Van Epps, T. C., 124
Van Houten, B. C., 149
Vance, Tom, 287, 290
Vance, William, 254
Variety Theater, 186
Vidette, bark, 171
Villard, Henry, 94, 96, 99, 107, 113
Vincent, Benjamin, 79
Vincent, Phil, 163, 398
Virginia V, str., 459
Vivian, Charles, 133
Volland, Addie S., 237
Voorhees, Charles S., 107

Wagner, Charles L., 285
Wagner, G. 241
Wahooit (Yelm Jim), 30,31
Waldron, Robert, 382, 383, 386, 391
Wall, Harry, 339, 441
Wallace, Leander C., 11
Wallace, Gov. William H., 16,23, 28, 37, 41, 42, 48
Wallgren, Gov. Mon C., 363,428, 429, 430, 433, 436, 437, 450
Wanamaker, Pearl, 346,347,358, 367, 394, 395, 410, 440, 463, 476, 481, 496
Wapama, S.S., 327
Warbass, Dr. U.G., 34, 39
Warburton, Stanton, 243
Ward, E. R., 277
Ward, Ira, Jr., 17
Ward, Marvin (Bud), 407
Warner, A. D., 158
Washington, dredge, 327
Washington Democrat, newspaper, 52, 55
Washington. Hotel, 8, 19, 35, 58, 88, 168, 179
Washington, Nat, 396, 465, 473, 478, 496
Washington Standard, newspaper, 38, 52, 53, 58, 60, 78, 88, 92, 105, 118, 153, 163, 172, 242, 310
Washington Statesman, newspaper, 41, 60, 83
Washington Veneer Co., 327,351, 377, 487
Willey, Lafayette, 83
Willey, Philander, 83
Willey, Capt. Samuel, 83,91,137, 152, 291
Willey, S. Steam Navigation Co., 179
Williams, Ina P., 281, 282
Williams, Samuel, 116
Willie, str., 91
Willimantic, bark, 26
Willson, Capt. Fred, 298
Wilson, Eugene T., 143
Wilson, John L., 123, 150, 175, 207, 234
Wilson, Judge John M., 239,326, 338, 348
Wilson, Woodrow, 255, 280, 286
Wilson G. Hunt, str., 35
Wilsoir & Zabel Theaters, 319
Winstanley, Guy, 206, 253, 263
Wintler, Ella, 425
Wiseman, Fred J., 248
Wohleb, Joseph, 267, 319, 326, 356, 428
Wood, Isaac, 37, 105, 238
Wood, Mary, 33
Woodall, Perry B, 413, 427, 440, .442, 462, 496, 503
Woodruff, Sam, 112,145
Woodward, A. E., 319
Wool, Gen. John E., 30, 34
Wotton, W. S., 286
Wright, Alex, 251
Wright, Judge Charles T., 485
Wright,. Judge D. F., 339, 348, 353, 366
Wright, Col. George, 30
Wright, George P., 198
Wright, Capt. Torn, 71  , 72, 99, 104, 110
Wyche, Judge J. A., 44 y
Yantis, B. F., 17, 23
Yantis, George F., 276, 277, 36 370, 376, 379, 383, 394, 398 408, 431
Yelle, Cliff, 262, 277, 367, 370 376, 379, 383, 394, 398, 408 431
Yelout, Jim, 272, 273
Yesler, Henry, 40
Yosemite, str., 221, 237
Young, Brigham, 476
Young, C. W., 141, 156
Young, E. T., 88, 119, 132, 162
Young, Capt. Voiney C. F., 338
Young, William, 88

Zabel, E. A., 421, 483
Zednick, Victor, 259   ,270, 282,1 315, 339, 429, 439, 475
Zephyr, str., 72, 77, 81, 94, 104,; 110, 117
Zighaus, Irvin W., 285
Zioncheck, Marion, 342, 363, 389