Ralph Blankenship, Treasurer.
Greetings fellow Olympia History Buffs!
What a fast paced year 2010 has been. My year as president has been a good bit of work but also fun and fulfilling. I’ve gotten to meet many new folks. And gotten to know many folks better at our meetings and events.
Membership has grown well over the past year and increased interest in local history has been shown due at least in part to the 100 year celebration of the Washington legislature finally passing women’s right to vote (permanently). And of course last year’s 150th birthday for the City of Olympia. Two big events that OHS helped celebrate.
My congratulations to Mark Foutch, our new president. In some respects it is difficult to leave the presidency but leaving it in Mark’s capable hands feels good to me.
And speaking of out of the kettle and into the fire I have accepted Lois Fenske’s spot as Treasurer for OHS. She seemed to be breathing a sigh of relief as she handed me her 6” tall stack of materials that I will need to step into her very large shoes. Thanks again Lois for your years of service on the board and as treasurer.
A Happy New Year to you all and I’ll see you at the February 19 general membership meeting.
Ralph Blankenship, outgoing-president, current treasurer.