Jeannine was born in Tacoma, WA and raised in Olympia since the age of 4. I graduated from Olympia High School, University of Puget Sound with a degree in Education and Psychology. She was employed by the House of Representatives in 1981 for a “session only” position. This led to working in the legislative arena from 1981 to 2013. Over the years, Jeannine was privileged to work for several Senators as a Legislative Aide, including Senate Majority Leader Sid Snyder who was a history buff while making history and Majority Leader Lisa Brown, Governor Gary Locke and as a Tour Guide in the state capitol. She deeply enjoyed sharing the rich history of the state capitol with 100’s of students over the years. In 2008, Jeannine was elected to the Olympia City Council where she served as a Council Member from the fall of 2008 to the fall of 2017. She focused on keeping the historical integrity of the City including chairing the General Government committee which selected citizens to serve on the Heritage Commission. Her Great, Great, Great Grandfather Dr. Nathaniel Ostrander was elected as Mayor of the City of Olympia during the 1880’s. Recently retired from working as a realtor for the past 10 years, Jeannine enjoys serving the community in a variety of roles, including being a board member of the following: Olympia Rotary, Homes First, and the Family Support Center. Jeannine enjoys spending time with her family, including her four young granddaughters. She is pleased and honored to be filling the seat of her talented father, Charles Roe. He is definitely a hard act to follow